• @givesomefucks
      -113 months ago


      Maybe, just maybe, people wouldn’t compare the two of them so much if Biden wasn’t acting so much like trump?

      Have you just not watched the interview yet?


      If you’re tired of people comparing Biden and trump, maybe we should run a Dem candidate who has anything else to campaign on than trump.

      Like, Biden and his campaign constantly compare the two, but when voters do it, it’s literally:

      No, not like that!

      • The Snark Urge
        73 months ago

        You say “we should run a Dem candidate” but this is not how the system actually works. Both parties are private organizations whose internal policies are regulated internally. The primaries are not public institutions, they are not federally regulated, and their results are not even legally binding. “We” could run the perfect candidate as a Democrat. They’re unfailingly charismatic, knowledgeable on every subject, yet every voter sees themselves in them. Lifelong Republicans even change party to vote for them. Ultimately, the Democratic party is not obligated to accept them as leader, even with 100% of all votes in their favor.

        It’s broken. I’m not trying to tell you that it’s okay. It’s not. But just being mad without understanding what you’re mad about isn’t going to change a damn thing.

        • @givesomefucks
          -53 months ago

          his is not how the system actually works. Both parties are private organizations whose internal policies are regulated internally

          Which means the DNC don’t have to name Biden…

          For almost a decade they’ve been saying they can do whatever.

          Even argued it to a judge that primary votes don’t matter, so it’s fine if they rig it.

          It’s not just Biden who can say he’s not the candidate, the people he appointed to run the DNC can say it too and run someone else, regardless of if “lord god” has told Biden to drop out or not.

          • The Snark Urge
            33 months ago

            Wrong again, little dude. The DNC is not in charge of Biden, quite the opposite.

            We have an oligarchic duopoly squatting in our democratic republic, and a plethora of military juntas (AKA police unions) bullying our devolved local powers into submission. The American experiment ended a few decades ago, and we never even noticed. Maybe go duck hunting with a judge about it.

            • @givesomefucks
              03 months ago

              Wrong again, little dude. The DNC is not in charge of Biden, quite the opposite.

              You literally just said:

              This is not how the system actually works. Both parties are private organizations whose internal policies are regulated internally

              And the DNC’s lawyers have told a judge:

              We could have—and we could have voluntarily decided that, Look, we’re gonna go into back rooms like they used to and smoke cigars and pick the candidate that way. That’s not the way it was done. But they could have. And that would have also been their right.


              So why do you think the DNC can’t name someone besides Biden the candidate?

              • The Snark Urge
                33 months ago

                The current chairman was selected by Biden, so he’s presumably onside. He and the rest could hypothetically stage an internal coup against Biden, but you’re describing something that has never to my knowledge occurred, and would smash the political machine of the party from within.

                At that point we’re talking about an actual revolution, and you and I are not close enough to open that discussion.

                • @givesomefucks
                  3 months ago

                  but you’re describing something that has never to my knowledge occurred, and would smash the political machine of the party from within.

                  Right, we haven’t tried it before…

                  We have tried running an incumbent with approval numbers as bad as Biden before tho.

                  How much do you know about Jimmy Carter’s second term?

                  At that point we’re talking about an actual revolution

                  I think the problem is the furtherest left we have is AOC. And despite what republicans and moderate Dems say, she’s way more of an MLK than a Malcom. And MLK was very open that his peaceful approach was only accepted because the alternative to MLK wasn’t the status quo, it was motherfukin Malcolm.

                  The only downside to AOC people can come up with that is that she’s the furthest left, so to fix that we need to bring up other names.

                  Like self avowed communist, rapper, writer, director, and political activist for decades: Boots Riley.

                  And just like Malcolm wasn’t prepared to accept the status quo, Boots has a plan for when voting truly stops working:


                  I truly hope it never comes to that, but historically it’s got a pretty good success rate…

                  And just the existence of a Malcolm like option makes conservatives suddenly wishing for AOC.

                  But here’s a clip from Boots’ most recent show that shows how on point his messaging is if he gets a platform:


      • Funderpants
        73 months ago

        Biden had been campaigning on his accomplishments. Talks about them constantly. It’s clear he has a compare and contrast approach that includes his accomplishments.

        • @givesomefucks
          3 months ago

          Like beating medicare?

          Seriously, watch last night’s interview if you haven’t. Biden couldn’t even list his own accomplishments and most of what he does have to brag about, is legislation that his total involvement was signing a piece of paper.

          Any Dem in office would have accomplished as much as Biden has. There’s no reason it has to be Biden.

          They addressed 99% of the shit I’ve been bitching about for longer than I’ve had a Lemmy account.

          If you can watch that, if you can look at polling, if you can talk to actual people and still feel confident that Biden is a good bet against trump…

          Then I won’t take time trying to explain how picking Biden is shit tier risk assessment.