• @lennybird
    3 months ago

    Worth noting three things:

    (1) This is from Bloomberg’s company…

    Need I remind everyone that the Billionaire, Michael Bloomberg, is almost solely responsible for shoving the Biden nomination down our throats in 2020.

    How, you do you ask?

    He explicitly wrote that he would only join the contest if he thought Warren or Sanders could win. So he joined, mirrored Biden’s platform, spent a ton of money on ads and attack ads on the progressive candidates (I believe it was in the range of a half a billion dollars), built his infrastructure, then bowed out and handed the keys to Biden.

    It may very well be valid, but take with a grain of salt.

    (2) This pollster is rated pretty lowly compared to gold standard pollsters, according to 538. (Rank 116).

    (3) This poll currently remains an outlier until further top-tier pollsters corroborate.