• @jeffwOP
    3 months ago

    Really? There’s like 10 examples here of children being abused and your response is to talk about how kids are bad?

    • @TheBigBrother
      -413 months ago

      Yeah I mean I’m not saying there are no predators out there but at this point of a scum society I think the majority of children on OF are not exactly victims of a predator.

      • naticus
        253 months ago

        What you’re experiencing is generational bias and forming an opinion without actual facts. Be better.

        • gian
          23 months ago

          Maybe you are right but the actual facts are that even outside OF there are underage female prostitutes that do it for money or the latest bag from some high end brand and often are prey of some predator. Only difference is that off-line prostitution is harder to find.
          OF is only folowing what it is happening in the real life, making it easier obviously, but it don’t create any new dynamic.

          • naticus
            13 months ago

            I’m not commenting on the existence of it happening, I’m commenting on the use of the word “majority” to give themselves credibility. It’s dismissive of the issue and a way to ride out your bias as if it’s justified. Does it happen where minors get involved with OF on their own? I have no doubts. Is it the majority of OF accounts where a minor is involved? No one knows and making guesses isn’t productive.

        • Eggyhead
          3 months ago

          The facts could be there, but people have good reason to be reluctant to go looking for them. Kids are dumb. They do stupid things all the time when there’s nobody there to tell them how stupid and dangerous it is. Their brains soak up as much as possible, and when they hit puberty, their brains start sloughing off what it thinks is excess, and suddenly they think it’s a good idea to ride a bike off a waterfall or some shit. Secretly opening an onlyfans for stupid easy money from pervs seems hardly a stretch to me if you knew you could avoid being caught.

        • @TheBigBrother
          -233 months ago

          It’s a matter of common sense… what did you expect to happen with so many abandoned children (without dad, mom or both) with these ideologies of objectification of people and with the easy access that children have to the Internet today. You don’t need to be a genius to realize that most likely the majority of children who are in OF are not necessarily because of a predator in question.

          I understand the lack of studies about this but anyway I believe if you research there will be no information available.

      • @XeroxCool
        03 months ago


        You sound like you feel guilty after you masturbate and your favorite expedition was the Mayflower