Do you know of any songs that an average person wouldn’t easily find on the internet, but is still worth listening at least once in a lifetime. I highly encourage music that isn’t in English.

  • @Caboose12000
    8 months ago

    I’m not sure if this counts as obscure as its easy to google and someone who knows of might stumble across it, but its a remix of a boss battle song from the end of an almost 25 year old Kirby game, so I think normal people today would never come across it. I’ve never played the game its from, yet this is still one of my favorite songs of all time

    I play it when I’m really stressed and it helps me calm down (it is not calming music, I don’t know how to explain why it helps me)

    • @Aqarius
      17 months ago

      Another name I haven’t thought of in a long time. I’ve always appreciated Acrophobia, if for nothing else just for how took the melody from the original and just… ran with it.