The Spanish government has a plan to prevent kids from watching porn online: Meet the porn passport.

Officially (and drily) called the Digital Wallet Beta (Cartera Digital Beta), the app Madrid unveiled on Monday would allow internet platforms to check whether a prospective smut-watcher is over 18. Porn-viewers will be asked to use the app to verify their age. Once verified, they’ll receive 30 generated “porn credits” with a one-month validity granting them access to adult content. Enthusiasts will be able to request extra credits.

You have to request more porn credits from the government if you need more? Don’t want the government to be tracking this data of you. This is a privacy issue

  • @[email protected]
    28 months ago

    While I also like the idea of a separate second “internet” I feel like this is just another ID check requirement. It would still be better than a porn token wallet I guess. Either there would be an identity tied to all traffic from an access point(still a privacy problem) , or the access points themselves would have to be like, kept away from children or something somehow. Parental locks?

    • @ocassionallyaduck
      8 months ago

      Make the children internet token based for kids, use a yubikey or something (no password to learn), and leave the regular internet as is. Make ISPs provide families with kids access to both, either via subnet or dedicated hardware.

      From there just have policy to not give the unrestricted network access to kids. Aka parenting. Public institutions like libraries can have most open terminals on the “safenet” and limited public access to the unfiltered net.

      For a “poor man’s version” of this concept, you could do a pi-hole sub-network for home use, but the internet elsewhere is still the internet.

      That’s one possible idea anyways, and a damn sight better than porn credits.

      • @TheClockStruck13
        18 months ago

        LMAO, there’s a thing called a Firewall right, PiHole, get one, set it up at home, link the mobile devices through it for proxy or DNS…. Boom, your kids now can’t use the internet for porn or any other unscrupulous reason.

        • @ocassionallyaduck
          18 months ago

          Yea, that’s what I was saying. But if you wanted a national level of this, having ISPs setup a “kid access” subnet that just runs on a separate Wifi SSID would make this idea easier for the non tech savvy.