President Joe Biden could make a decision within days whether to remain a candidate for reelection, said Hawaii’s governor who participated in a recent meeting with Biden and other Democratic governors and whose family has known the president for years.

And if Biden decides not to run, Hawaii Gov. Josh Green told The Associated Press on Saturday that he believes the president will designate Vice President Kamala Harris to replace him on the ticket.

Green, who was a physician on Hawaii’s Big Island before he was elected governor, said everyone has parents or grandparents who have moments that aren’t that great or pauses in their ability to express themselves clearly. But, he added, they aren’t discarded because of their experience, wisdom and their role in the family.

Green was quick to point out that Trump is only three years younger than Biden and both will have bad days going forward. But he argued that temperament is more important than age.

“For God’s sake, these two guys have to hold the nuclear codes,” Green said. “I don’t want someone who tweets in the middle of the night and rages at other countries. That is not good. That’s not the problem we have with President Biden.”

  • Verdant Banana
    3 months ago

    as bad as another four years of Biden or Trump would be could you imagine four years of Harris

    extra police funding

    more restrictive laws

    backtracking on current progress such as cannabis

    more people locked up

    only difference is she would be younger and more in her mind to do so

    • @[email protected]
      433 months ago

      Under Trump:

      Never being able to vote again.

      Martial law instituted across the country denying people of their First Amendment rights.

      The abandonment of our allies.

      Loss of the US Dollar as the world’s reserve currency

      Political assassinations across the board to insure those of the fascist party remain in power.

      Loss of civil rights for those not white and rich

      End of various government services designed to keep us safe from contaminated food, water, and air

      End of various government services for Healthcare, social safety nets, veterans services.

      Extra police funding and broad immunity for police violence

      Far more restrictive laws

      Backtracking of current progress such as cannabis, marriage equality, interracial marriage

      Way way more people locked up because republican programs are hated across the board

      Massive tax cuts for billionaires and the middle class finally being broken so we slide into a pseudo feudal system

      Unions being outlawed because fascists love that shit.

      Anyone of a skin color not the shade of pale parchment being rounded up, thrown in camps, or deported.

      End of birthright citizens so you as well get to enjoy the concentration camps until they kill you or deport you (eventually they get to outright killing because they are Nazis. It’s what they do)

      Did I mention not being able to vote, protest, or voice your opinions without being shot, poisoned, or assassinated?

      • Flying Squid
        113 months ago

        Yes, but what about letting the perfect be the enemy of the good?!

        • @[email protected]
          53 months ago

          What about not compromising so fucking early. There are other establishment candidates that’d be much stronger.

          • Flying Squid
            13 months ago

            Which ones and do they want to run?

              • Flying Squid
                13 months ago

                Are they willing to run? Because otherwise it doesn’t matter. And I have seen no indication that they are.

                Also, Buttigieg used to work for McKinsey and they are fucking evil. I’d rather have either Harris or Biden than that.

                • @[email protected]
                  23 months ago

                  As a historic non-D voter who is switching this election, I would enthusiastically take Joe over Buttigieg, considering I’m from a neighboring town to his former mayorship. Pete was very unpopular in South Bend and he’s been very unpopular as Secretary of Transportation. Dude sucks and I actually think senile Biden is a better option.

      • @[email protected]
        63 months ago

        Trump is a piece of human waste. That he is the top candidate of the GOP says a lot about the abysmal condition America is in.

    • @[email protected]
      23 months ago

      you know that for a fact, or are you just projecting?

      prosecutors are charged with proving the city or state or federal government’s case against someone who has been charged with breaking the law. if congress doesn’t provide extra police funding, doesn’t pass more restrictive laws, doesn’t backtrack on current policy, and doesn’t lock more people up for non violent crimes guess what? she’s not going to do that either. i don’t see her going the unitary executive that a republican congress would allow a republican president to be because it sounds like she actually respects the rule of law and separation of powers.