• themeatbridge
    2083 months ago

    Drugs feel amazing. Getting high is like the fucking grand canyon, one of the things in life that lives up to the hype. Doing drugs makes you happier than you thought you could be, and there are a lot of people who don’t have a lot of reasons to be happy.

    We shouldn’t pretend that drugs are bad, mm-kay. Drugs are awesome. That’s the problem. They’re too awesome. It’s an awesome overload, and you end up not wanting to do anything except for drugs.

    People who do drugs are not evil. They’re having fun, experiencing new things, making friends and bonding over shared experiences. You tell a bunch of kids that drugs will ruin their lives, and then somebody at a party passes them a joint or offers them a bump of coke, they’re going to realize you were full of shit.

    Like, let’s say that there was some weird flesh-eating bacteria that was specifically found only on water slides, but only on a few water slides. Now it’s your job to convince all the children of the world to avoid water slides, because of the small possibility of bacteria. It’s a serious problem, and it would be correct to tell everyone to avoid all waterslides everywhere, even if only a small percentage of waterslide riders died horrible deaths. So you tell people waterslides might kill you or maim you in excruciating ways. But if you act like waterslides aren’t fun, you lose all credibility. Most people who ride the waterslides don’t die, and they go on to tell everyone how much fun they had on waterslides, and that doesn’t make them bad people.

    • Jake Farm
      613 months ago

      It is about distinguishing addictive and damaging drugs from useful medicines with a low chance of addiction. You are not going to convince me that the majority of people that have used meth or crack are fine. Where as weed or lsd I would.

      • @xantoxis
        3 months ago

        I will!

        The majority of people that have used meth or crack are fine.

        Now, don’t get me wrong: meth is fantastically addictive. It’s the most physically addictive drug there is, as far as I’m aware. And the fantastically high addiction rate for first-time users of meth is: roughly 30%.

        70% of people who try the most addictive drug in the world don’t get addicted, and go on to do other things like play tennis or do their taxes or switch to weed instead.

        • Jake Farm
          -133 months ago

          I am not just talking about addiction, I am also referring to the physiological damage it does.

          • @[email protected]
            3 months ago

            While it’s possible to cause significant damage from a single overdose I don’t think it is likely from trying something at a sensible dose once. Most of the time the damage addicts have is done through repeated heavy use.

            • @Donkter
              33 months ago

              Also, afaik, alot of the damage done by things like meth and heroin are side effects. Like meth gives you psychosis and brain damage from staying up for days and not eating any food. The long term effects of meth, like a rotting mouth and permanent chemical imbalances can take years to manifest. If you want an example see people who take Adderall for years. Heroin similarly stops you from getting proper nutrition because all you want is heroin and it can give you brain damage from a lack of oxygen, which is a side effect of getting really close to overdosing.

              As you’ve said, most people (at the very worst a whopping 70%) try these drugs and continue with their life without getting addicted. It’s very dangerous to stigmatize them cause all it does is make people afraid of getting treatment.

          • BlanketsWithSmallpox
            63 months ago

            Trying drugs once rarely does any psychological or physiological damage after one or even a few uses.

            There are few cases where taking certain drugs will trigger the start of people already prone to things like schizophrenia… But it takes a while for legit psychological and physical addiction with few exceptions. Even with the most addictive drugs there are.

      • @PunnyName
        193 months ago

        Tried meth once. Felt like Adderall. I could see why people abuse it, but I didn’t feel the need.

        • @SkyezOpen
          163 months ago

          That’s cause Adderall is meth.

          Or meth adjacent. I don’t know the chemistry.

          • @Kampfkrapfen_Backup
            3 months ago

            Adderall is amphetamine, the base compound.

            Meth is methamphetamine, amphetamine with a methyl group attached to it, so it’s very closely related to Adderall. That small change makes it a bit more potent, longer lasting and euphoric though.

            But meth can also get prescribed for ADHD and narcolepsia (under the brand name ‘Desoxyn’) in very rare cases where even Adderall doesn’t seem to do the trick. So basically, both substances can be used therapeutically and they both can fuck up your life if you start abusing them, with meth admittedly being more potent and dangerous than regular amphetamine.

            • @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
              3 months ago

              While there is some credence to this example, we all know chemistry does not work like this. For example, H2O, very good, essential for all life. H2O2, not so much.

          • @PunnyName
            33 months ago

            Yep. I had an Adderall Rx for years prior, felt almost identical. But I also swallowed it, didn’t smoke or inject it.

          • SharkEatingBreakfast
            -33 months ago

            No it’s fucking not.

            And this kind of thinking is why the local cops raided a clinic my town and why doctors in my town are now scared to prescribe it.

            This is what happens when people stigmatize and demonize legal meds that actually help folks who genuinely need it.

            • @SkyezOpen
              73 months ago

              Cops raided a pharmacy because they needed a fix. Foia the body cam footage if they got them.

              • SharkEatingBreakfast
                3 months ago

                I take it myself and have done so for 10+ years, and know the chemistry of it. It’s in the same tree, but it’s absolutely not meth.

                If it were meth, it’d be called meth.

                • @[email protected]
                  3 months ago

                  Adderall is not meth, but it’s still a form of speed/amphetamine and is still addictive to some neurotypical people. Maybe not as addictive or dangerous, but very much in the same category.

                  The reason ADHD people don’t get addicted is because of their altered neurology and the doses it’s prescribed at.

                  In fact actual meth is sometimes prescribed to ADHD patients in small doses. It’s called Desoxyn.

                  • SharkEatingBreakfast
                    3 months ago

                    Adderall is not meth, but it’s still a form of speed/amphetamine

                    Yes. Absolutely. But it is not meth, as people keep trying to claim.

        • @Shou
          13 months ago

          Because ADHD stimulants are forms of methamphetamines.

          • @datelmd5sum
            153 months ago

            The umbrella term is amphetamines. And not all ADHD stimulants are amphetamines, as there’s also methylphenidate (ritalin) which is a dopamine reuptake inhibitor kinda like cocaine, except for majority of people a lot less enjoyable.

      • @Frozengyro
        53 months ago

        Yea, plus many people addicted to that shit end up doing bad things, Rob, steal, sell to kids, etc.

        • @PunnyName
          3 months ago

          Sometimes, but not all of them.

          And generally, addiction is other issues that we as a society could help with before it becomes those issues.

        • @[email protected]
          53 months ago

          That’s the same with heroin. At some point you’re addicted as hell and have no money left, so what do you do to get that relief from it again? Prostitute yourself, steal stuff and sell it, rob someone. This is literally an endless cycle. You become more addicted so you have to make more money. Since drug addiction imposes a high risk of losing your job and house you have to become somewhat criminal. The only ways out of this are either 1:dying from the drugs, 2: being able to get off of them(what often is literally impossible without help and even if you manage it without a stable living situation(house, job which both are hard to find as an ex drug addicted homeless person) its not unlikely that you start using them again) or 3: finding a place where you can get them for free. One of these places exists in Berlin where heroin addicted can get free medical grade heroin for free.

    • @[email protected]
      163 months ago

      a more accurate analogy would be toxic chemicals in the waterslides that build up in the body, that takes a while to be expelled out

      • @[email protected]
        83 months ago

        It’s more complex than this even. Not all drugs are that toxic. In fact some of the most addictive aren’t even that toxic at all like heroin. It’s things like addiction, overdose, lack of clean supply, and the side effects that make it dangerous.

        Even ones that are destructive to the body aren’t always because of the chemicals they leave behind. Take meth for example: it’s bad because of how much strain and immediate damage it causes, not long lived toxins. In small doses it’s reasonably okay and is even prescribed by doctors sometimes. At amounts addicts do with the regularity they do them the damage builds up faster than it can be repaired by the body. MDMA, Amphetamine, Ketamine, and cocaine are similar here I believe.

        Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, I mainly know about drugs from doing them and researching them online.

    • @Feathercrown
      83 months ago

      Would it not make them bad people if waterslides were that dangerous? They wouldn’t be lying, but they would be encouraging people to endanger themselves.

      • KingJalopy
        63 months ago

        If there are even a few water slides that dangerous, then all water slides are potentially dangerous.

        • @PunnyName
          63 months ago

          This is the literal actual real world thing right now. Despite the few waterslides that are dangerous, there are plenty of actual waterslides in operation.

          So, demonizing drugs is actually a bad idea, and this thread continues to prove it.

    • @systemglitch
      23 months ago

      Fantastic analogy and a good read. I’ve had a lot of experience with these bad drugs at various points in my life and I regret none of it.

    • horse
      13 months ago

      Drugs are honestly pretty meh. I’m not saying they can’t be fun and or that they are evil or anything, but I feel like you are seriously overhyping them.

      I used to a lot of drugs and lots of different kinds too. Sure I had fun and I don’t massively regret it. But since I quit all drugs (including alcohol) several years ago I really have to say there are plenty of other things in life that are just as fun as drugs, if not much more so. There’s only so much you can experience with drugs and it gets old fast.

    • @[email protected]
      -33 months ago

      I have no words almost…

      But your little declaration somehow perversly juxtapositions the odd 100 000 deaths from drug overdoses in the US alone last year.

      • @Omega_Man
        13 months ago

        Are you offended by this? Seriously asking?

        • @[email protected]
          13 months ago

          Yes, since it’s such an awfully negligent way of thinking.

          I’d worry some poor young soul listening to the type of ‘adult individual’, falling into a fentanyl addiction, for example, thinking it ‘fun and safe’ forever ruining their life.

          • @Omega_Man
            23 months ago

            I think this person probably was referring to lesser drugs such as cannabis or cocaine. Lumping them all together is the problem.

      • XIIIesq
        3 months ago

        Found the guy that skim reads a comment and then draws a silly conclusion.

        • @LemmyKnowsBest
          3 months ago

          I read & deeply comprehended the whole entire thing. It was excellently written and insightful and I am sincerely happy for people who can enjoy drugs responsibly and it does not interfere with their productive lives,

          I have friends who enjoy mushrooms and LSD and alcohol and cigarettes and cocaine and abusing things like Adderall and Vyvanse and they all seem a hell of a lot happier than I am, but I just don’t want anything to do with it because

          take my perspective for what it’s worth, I am a complete teetotaler, the only thing I put in my mouth or my body are nutritious foods, water, and prescription medication. In my childhood the fear of death was put into me regarding drugs, and my dad was an alcoholic and then he turned to cocaine and it all freaked me out, the way cocaine changed my dad was terrifying and has left me forever unstable, and I listened to Nancy Reagan when she said “say no to drugs” and I am permanently in that mindset, for better or for worse.

          • XIIIesq
            33 months ago

            This is the comment that you should have written, not a silly meme comment.