• Xhieron
      272 months ago

      Me too.

      I’ll also vote if he’s not.

      Blue all the way down the ticket. Fuck the agitprop. Save the Republic.

      • queermunist she/her
        -172 months ago

        Biden can’t save shit, he’s behind Trump in Democratic strongholds like New Jersey.

        If he doesn’t stand aside he’s going to lose. If we don’t force him out then we’re fucked.

          • queermunist she/her
            2 months ago

            I want neither Biden nor Trump to be president. If we replace him then Trump will be defeated by someone who isn’t Biden, which means I get what I want. You don’t want Trump to be president. If we replace Biden, Trump can actually be defeated and you get what you want. If Biden is the nominee, Trump is abslutely going to win and then neither of us get what we want.

            It’s win/win if we replace him, lose/lose if we don’t, and instead of working together you just want to be a splitter. 😞

            • @[email protected]
              62 months ago

              Except you don’t have control over who the dem nominee will be. The only actual control you have is over your own vote. So you either vote for a bad president or, by not voting, you accept a pro dictator will likely take control and actively work towards dismantling democracy

              • @PugJesus
                42 months ago

                by not voting, you accept a pro dictator will likely take control and actively work towards dismantling democracy

                She’s a tankie. That’s exactly what they crave.

              • queermunist she/her
                -42 months ago

                The control we have over our votes gives us leverage that we can use to force the DNC to change the nominee. They won’t nominate Biden if they are certain he is going to lose. We just need to make sure they understand he can not win.

      • queermunist she/her
        2 months ago

        If you actually cared about defeating Trump then you’d want to replace Biden with someone who can actually win.

        • @elbucho
          92 months ago

          That’s probably the dumbest thing you’ve said so far in this thread. Of course most people want someone to replace Biden. There are even polls about this. People within the party itself want someone to replace him. But you’re advocating withholding your vote AFTER Biden decides to not leave office. That’s not going to force him to do a thing. It’s like the right wingers buying the product they’re trying to boycott so they can destroy it.

          There is no mechanism by which you can force Biden to quit the race before the vote. Abstaining from voting after he decides to not quit will not harm Biden. Biden’s already said that he’ll be ok if he just “tries his best”. What you’ll actually be doing is harming literally everybody else around you because of your stupid, short sighted, impotent rage.

          • queermunist she/her
            -72 months ago

            But you’re advocating withholding your vote AFTER Biden decides to not leave office.

            No I’m not! I’m threatening to withhold my vote if Biden is not replaced by the Party at the convention. What he decides doesn’t matter, he doesn’t get to force the Party to nominate him.

            It’s the Party that I’m focused on here.

            • @[email protected]OP
              72 months ago

              You realize that it’s not just Biden we’re voting for. It’s his entire cabinet. And if you don’t think they can or even have done anything worth reelection- then I guess choosing against your best interest is quite possibly your only option.

              I do hope though, that you find time to enjoy all the benefits that come with losing democracy. Up to and including the continued suffering and genocide of Palestine.

              Because that is really what’s on the table, right? I mean. You’re essentially trying to hold democracy as hostage in order to appear as if you actually give a shit about a place you probably couldn’t have pointed to on a map less than a year ago?

              And even knowing that your bit Donald “finish the job” Trump is going to essential turn Palestine into a crater… you’ll be fine as long as it wasn’t Biden that did it.


              • queermunist she/her
                2 months ago

                You’re holding me hostage! “Vote the way I tell you or the government is going to kill you.”

                I will not be intimidated.

                I’m trans in a red state. I am going to die if Trump gets elected and if Biden is the nominee Trump will be the President.

                Replacing Biden is now life or death for me.

                So I have to do this. There is no other choice. Shikata ga nai. I’m going to put my fucking life on the line to stop Biden from getting Trump elected, because this is the last chance. The Convention is coming. Do or die.

                • @[email protected]OP
                  2 months ago

                  What a fucking weird take.

                  “I’m going to die if Trump is elected, so I dare not vote against him!”

                  If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were entirely full of shit. Good thing I know better, right?

                • @elbucho
                  42 months ago

                  Sorry, no. THIS is the dumbest thing you’ve said in this thread.

                  “I’m going to die if this party doesn’t get enough votes!”

                  “I’m not going to vote for this party!”

                  Good lord.

    • @PugJesus
      32 months ago

      !remindme 3 months