Is there such a thing as there being degrees (Which are useful and can be applied to a decent selection of vacancies) and:

“degrees” (Which might sound fancy but aren’t useful in a lot of vacancies, could also be just to say you got a degree)

This is not to insult anyone who has been to a university and finished their course, but it’s something I’ve been told long time ago by my previous work colleague who nearly became a lawyer, supposedly there are meme degrees as he puts it that look good on a CV but used in an interview is tripe.

What are your thoughts on this? Would you say that is complete nonsense? Or is there some truth to this?

  • themeatbridge
    7 months ago

    It’s true that some studies are more relevant to a job than others, but it’s entirely context dependent. More important than the degree is the education. Have you learned something you can make relevant to the job?

    There are people who earn a degree simply because they want the line on the resume. And there are also hiring managers who have preconceived notions about which subjects are worth studying or not. Your friend might be referring to some liberal arts degrees that seem to indicate the person is a dilettante, or maybe they mean the standard issue business management/software engineering/communications degrees that people get to serve their ambitions rather than their interests.

    You should study something that fascinates you. The jobs are out there, and you don’t need a degree to be successful. Think of advanced education as an opporunity to dive into a subject and maybe even contribute something to the field. If you want to study business, really study it. If you want to study Sanskrit poetry, give it your all and don’t apologize to anyone for doing what you love. And if an interviewer ever calls you degree a “meme degree,” thank them for their time and end the interview. You don’t want to work for a dipshit.