• @kitnaht
    -142 months ago

    Inattentive and shitty mother.

    • @HogsTooth
      62 months ago

      What in this article or the original news story gives you the idea it’s the mother’s fault?

      • @kitnaht
        2 months ago

        A toddler fell from a window. That’s the mothers fault. I’ve never let my kids fall out of a window, have you?

        • @HogsTooth
          42 months ago

          Sounds like you have some assumptions to work through. There’s as much evidence in these articles that it’s your fault as there is it’s the mother’s fault. I blame you.

          • @kitnaht
            2 months ago

            It was the mothers apartment. The mothers responsibility for ensuring its safety. I blame you, and people like you, for giving terrible people like this a pass. If she didn’t want the kid, she should have just had an abortion. Though, I guess she just had a post-birth abortion due to her neglect.

            • @HogsTooth
              22 months ago

              I see… So how’s married life?

              • @kitnaht
                2 months ago

                The article says the mother and the child lived in the apartment together. No mention of a father. So she is the sole person responsible for that child’s safety. I have no idea why you’d bring up marriage at all; other than you’re looking to deflect.

                • @HogsTooth
                  22 months ago

                  It’s no surprise you’re alone with this “guilty until proven innocent” attitude towards women.

                  • @kitnaht
                    2 months ago

                    Married with 3 children, but sure - keep missing the mark while you pick strawmen to argue. You’ve stopped even mentioning the point, and instead have moved on to attacking me and my attributes personally - because you know you don’t have a legitimate argument. I’ve already won.

                    Single mother, inattentive and neglectful, has child die from falling out of a window that she didn’t care enough to secure. She was at fault, because the child is too young to make those decisions themselves. Now she has to live with the consequences, and you want to make excuses for her, white-knighting on the internet because you believe women can’t be held responsible for their actions. Or…inactions in this case…

                    None of my children died while growing up, because I secured the house head to toe. Latches on all doors, covers on outlets, I spent weeks babyproofing everything, because I’m not a neglectful parent.

                    Even worse, you assume I’m a man and that the reason I argue this is out of some need to be misogynistic…what a world you must live in, constantly being the victim of things that don’t even involve you. Must be fun making up scenarios about the person you’re arguing with, to then attack those made-up attributes to them, in an effort to win an argument purely based on the need to win the argument.

                    You sound like you live a pretty cushy life…