As someone with regular migraines who’s also very sensitive to noise, this is crazy, and sound pollution is something most people don’t even take seriously.
the Granbury Bitcoin mine is emitting 70 or even 90 decibels on a nightly basis
90 decibels is about as loud as a truck driving past or a (legal, not stupid noisy) motorcycle from 4-5 metres away at 70% rpm.
If they’re more than 500 metres away this would be a slight annoyance at worst.
The article mentions studies but doesn’t link any. It uses one doctor as a reputable source but we know doctors can fall for conspiracy theories like anyone else.
This sounds like the anti-wind farm idiots who claim all sorts of health issues but ONLY after they’ve read about these health issues from conspiracy theories.
The nocebo effect is real, these people might be suffering, but I have serious doubts the cause is actually some air conditioning… which is what will cause the noise from data centres.
Thanks for yours. Clearly you contributed to the conversation by raising valid concerns about the story, regulations and the lead content of your pipes.
A single doctor? It is, in fact, scientific consensus. And it has been for quite a while now.
Noise pollution adversely affects the lives of millions of people. Studies have shown that there are direct links between noise and health. Problems related to noise include stress related illnesses, high blood pressure, speech interference, hearing loss, sleep disruption, and lost productivity. Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) is the most common and often discussed health effect, but research has shown that exposure to constant or high levels of noise can cause countless adverse health affects.
It’s not a conventional data center. It’s a bunch of containers containing mining hardware with giant fans blowing through them. This is obvious from the header image of the article.
As someone with regular migraines who’s also very sensitive to noise, this is crazy, and sound pollution is something most people don’t even take seriously.
90 decibels? Fucking end me.
90 decibels is about as loud as a truck driving past or a (legal, not stupid noisy) motorcycle from 4-5 metres away at 70% rpm.
If they’re more than 500 metres away this would be a slight annoyance at worst.
The article mentions studies but doesn’t link any. It uses one doctor as a reputable source but we know doctors can fall for conspiracy theories like anyone else.
This sounds like the anti-wind farm idiots who claim all sorts of health issues but ONLY after they’ve read about these health issues from conspiracy theories.
The nocebo effect is real, these people might be suffering, but I have serious doubts the cause is actually some air conditioning… which is what will cause the noise from data centres.
Yeah, but a motorcycle won’t drive past you non-stop and 24/7.
There’s still zero evidence for these claims of mysterious health issues.
People have lived with noise pollution before.
“thanks” for your contribution
Thanks for yours. Clearly you contributed to the conversation by raising valid concerns about the story, regulations and the lead content of your pipes.
“People have lived with water pollution before”, he says, dumping a truckload of depleted uranium into the swimming pool.
Prolonged exposure to noise pollution is an unproven health risk? Yeah right.
The reported health issues don’t align with understood examples of long term exposure to noise pollution.
The studies the article claims exist don’t seem to.
A single doctor is not a consensus.
Be more critical with your thinking or you might find yourself falling for anti-vax or flat earth nonsense.
A single doctor? It is, in fact, scientific consensus. And it has been for quite a while now.
You can read a bit about it, but I assume that’s not what you really want.
Neat that they don’t list half the ‘symptoms’ from the article!
It’s not a conventional data center. It’s a bunch of containers containing mining hardware with giant fans blowing through them. This is obvious from the header image of the article.