• John Richard
    -920 days ago

    No, they showed that they wanted to engage in fascist behavior against a majority of voters right (according to polls).

    • @davidagain
      820 days ago

      If you put a paedophile in charge of the country, none of our children are safe.

      • John Richard
        20 days ago

        I had planned on voting for Biden, but seeing how much Democrats are lying and gaslighting I’m actually thinking about staying home at this point. But you must know, even Biden has a history of questionable behavior with kids, sniffing them, touching them inappropriately, and it appears (according to Snopes) that Ashley Biden wrote about him showering with her and confirmed the diary to be hers in court.

        Furthermore, Trump has not been found guilty of being a pedophile. Democrats had 4 years to bring up charges on Trump being a pedo. They did not do it. Biden doesn’t call Trump a pedo. It is the Democrat voters grasping at straws who are in a cult making accusations rather than presenting policy because they lack intelligence. There is also this:


        Even more proof that the Katie Johnson story stinks and the media doesn’t report on it, cause they already investigated it and determined it lacked credibility:


        There are others too:


        Trump may be a pedophile, but to prove that you need a trial and evidence.

        • @davidagain
          820 days ago

          Your double standards are striking (across multiple conversations here). In this case you’ve concluded that a girl who got death threats for bringing a case against Trump withdrew, not because of the death threats, but because she was lying, and you’ve equated smelling hair with rape.

          I once said that I thought that a politician who is famous for some pretty racist policies was probably trying to do the right thing in an admittedly stupidly foolish way on a separate issue, and people got very cross with me online for defending her, but it never once made me inclined to vote for her, that would be idiotic, so I simply don’t believe for a minute you were thinking of voting for Biden. If you want to claim you were prepared to vote for Biden, go on, what was it that made you think he would be a better president than trump?

          • John Richard
            -720 days ago

            The reasons I was inclined to vote for Biden is because I am agnostic. I support LGBTQ+ rights. I want to see the government providing more safety nets for people. Trump helped foster the environment for the Jan 6. insurrection. I’m not considering staying home to help Trump win. I’m considering staying home because Democrats actions lately have been gaslighting and lying. The state I’m in is not a swing state.

            • @davidagain
              320 days ago

              You claim Democrats are the ones gaslighting and lying?!

              • John Richard
                -420 days ago

                That’s what I said, yes. The ones gaslighting about Biden right now are.

                • @davidagain
                  320 days ago

                  What do you think gaslighting means, and how far do you feel you’ve been gaslit?