Seeing another post about aunt Jemima products that were discounted due to racial stereotypes I was curious what’s the worst product-fuckuo you have seen?

In Sweden we have a chocolate pastry ball that was called negerboll which translates to negro ball. Early 2000s it was deemed that it was not ok and it changed name to chocolate ball.


  • Björn Tantau
    87 months ago

    Sounds like the “Negerkuss” (Negrokiss) or “Moorenkuss” in Germany. Nowadays it’s called “Schokokuss” (chocolate kiss) or “Dickmann” (fat man, a brand name). First time I noticed that as a kid was at a bakery that wouldn’t sell you a Negerkuss only a Schokokuss. Even our black friend didn’t get one.

    • @DefectusOP
      17 months ago

      I think I still have a recipe book with that name.