• @givesomefucks
    12 months ago

    Biden’s going to die in office anyways so why are people calling for him to step down?

    C’mon man…

    You’re just making arguments for him to not be the candidate now.

    This infighting is accomplishing exactly nothing but driving fence sitters away.

    Which is why Biden needs to step down ASAP.

    Like. You’re trying to play the “we need to unite” card, but you just want everyone to do what you want.

    Biden can just act a quarter of his age and gracefully step down for the good of his country. He never should have been in the primary for 2024

    • @Sanctus
      2 months ago

      You’re doing the exact same thing. Shouting for Biden to step down because its what you want. Thats like kind of the point of this whole thing. You want a new candidate so you dont give a fuck that a lot of people.voted for him. I digress, keep doing what you’re doing we’ll be as divided as ever.

      • @givesomefucks
        02 months ago

        You’re saying:

        It has to be Biden and can be no one else

        I’m saying:

        Biden isnt going to be able to win, and almost anyone else can win

        Presenting those two as the same is fucking ridiculous.

        Like, Biden has a 34% approval rating…

        He is like the second incumbent ever to not win 100% of his primary

        He’s losing in national polls.

        He’s losing in battleground polls.

        States that have been blue for over 30 years, Biden is projected to lose.

        Fucking everything is pointing to Biden losing

        And you can’t give a single reason why Biden is better than anyone else.

        He’s just who you want, and even tho you keep saying you’ll vote D regardless, it has to be Biden.

        • @Sanctus
          02 months ago

          Yeah but Harris is also losing in the polls, so is Newsom, or any other challenger to Trump. So what’s your point? Stop putting words in my mouth. I didn’t say it has to be Biden. I said the last time we did this it didn’t work out. So maybe look at history and learn from it? If you’re pushing Harris and insisting Biden can’t do it, well she’s the fucken VP, she has the seat already if he wins and can’t finish. So what are you doing? Sowing division? Offering no viable alternatives? Pissing all over everyone when they say the opposite? Enjoy convincing others of your station that way.

            • @Sanctus
              02 months ago

              This just came out today. After I made my fucking comment you dingleberry. I asked what’s the angle? Cause she’s Vice President already. If Joe is unfit we get her either way.

              • @givesomefucks
                02 months ago

                If Joe is unfit we get her either way.

                How do we get Kamala if trump wins because we ran Joe?

                This just came out today. After I made my fucking comment you dingleberry

                So do you have a new reason it has to be Joe?

                Or do you no longer have a reason for risking trump by running Joe?

                • @Sanctus
                  02 months ago

                  So your Newsweek article doesn’t even link this new poll. Just the old one it is comparing it to. But keep being a fucken asshole. That will totally convince me to fragment my party dkr the Republicans. Its a risk no matter who you run cause half the country apparently wants a dictator. Now if you want to be constructive and talk about possible alternatives I’m down. But if you just want to keep shoving your dick down my throat with 509 pointed questions I’m out. Your reasoning isn’t even sound if its based on this Newsweek article with no fucken linked poll.