The legislation, which states that “protections for access to abortion rights … should be supported," was blocked by Republicans who panned it as a “show vote.”

Senate Republicans on Wednesday blocked legislation led by Democrats to revive the protections of Roe v. Wade in the wake of the Supreme Court eliminating the nationwide right to abortion.

The vote was 49-44, falling short of the super-majority needed to defeat a filibuster due to broad opposition from Republicans, who dismissed it as a political stunt.

The Reproductive Freedom for Women Act, introduced last month around the second anniversary of the court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade, is just a few sentences long. It states that “protections for access to abortion rights and other reproductive health care” after the 2022 ruling “should be supported.” It adds that “the protections enshrined in* Roe v. Wade …* should be restored and built upon, moving towards a future where there is reproductive freedom for all.”

  • @[email protected]
    978 months ago

    Yep, the party actively destroying reproductive rights is indistinguishable from the party doing a suboptimal job of protecting them from the first party. This is clearly communicated by your clever, astute word replacement.

    • Flying Squid
      338 months ago

      You’re talking to someone who immediately switched from “don’t vote for Biden” to “don’t vote for Harris” the second they heard that Biden might let Harris run in his place. So yes, you’re exactly right with that flowchart.

      • @kescusay
        138 months ago

        Then that person is a troll and needs to be banned.

      • Verdant Banana
        -128 months ago

        never switched

        his pick for a vp never sat well with me

        • Flying Squid
          118 months ago

          You absolutely switched because that option hadn’t been a possibility before.

          And if it’s someone else, you’ll start saying why they shouldn’t be voted for.

          Anything but stop the dictator.

    • @givesomefucks
      8 months ago

      The only way that makes since is if you think AOC, Joe Manchin, Joe Biden, and every other politician that caucuses with the Dem party are on the same page and working for the same shit…

      • @[email protected]
        78 months ago

        The only way that makes since is if you think AOC, Joe Manchin, Joe Biden, and every other politician that caucuses with the Dem party are on the same page and working for the same shit…

        Not at all, the lack of party unity is one of the reasons they have done a suboptimal job with this and other things. Nonetheless, the flowchart is true, and you can see it over and over when any major thing happens. 100% of the time? No. Is it very often relevant to folks removed about Dems? Yes, IMO it is. But with absolute sincerity, you are welcome to disagree.

      • Verdant Banana
        8 months ago

        had half a century to codify Roe v. Wade and on that note Biden was not helpful in keeping Clarence Thomas out of the Supreme Court

        Biden’s political career consisted of crime bills, protecting heterosexual marriage, and being a war supporter

        he only changed step in the last decade or so just to be more voteable and with Harris as a VP does not show much change

        • @[email protected]
          118 months ago

          I’m sorry for the multiple replies - I just keep remembering one more thing.

          had half a century to codify Roe v. Wade

          In this case I’m going to steal these comments from one I had saved a month ago, penned by @[email protected] :

          Since 1981 Democrats have had control of the Presidency and Congress a whopping 4 years. One 2 year period under Clinton and one under Obama. That’s without factoring in the ability to fillibuster in the Senate. In over 40 years they’ve only had control 10% of the time.


          That period of filibuster-proof control during Obama’s term is why we have the ACA. It was ~70 days and they passed the largest healthcare overhaul in generations.

          • Flying Squid
            58 months ago

            And that control under Obama included senator Joe Donnelly, who was anti-abortion (the only way he could get elected in Indiana).

        • @[email protected]
          38 months ago

          You know that almost no one actually likes Biden as a choice right? And I absolutely don’t like Harris - I think she’ll pull us further to the right than Biden would. He’s just a better choice than the Evil Incarnate party. (and so is she) So when you folks come along to smear him like this, it falls a little flat.

        • @givesomefucks
          -48 months ago

          Biden was not helpful in keeping Clarence Thomas out of the Supreme Court

          “Not helpful” is cutting him a lot of slack…

          He was the chair for the Anita Hill hearings and refused to let other victims testify in addition to a whole bunch of other shit

          When Biden talks about “good ole days” of being friends with Republicans, he’s talking about how much they liked him when he was helping get Clarence on the court for life.