• J Lou
    17 months ago

    I reject the Marxist LTV too. The theory I have described is the labor theory of property (LTP) that workers in the firm should jointly own the produced outputs and be liable for the used-up inputs. Workers and non-voting preferred shareholders are duly compensated.

    The pure application of the tenet of legal responsibility and de facto responsibility matching is to deliberate and intentional joint actions. The actions of workers in production are premeditated and deliberate.


    • J Lou
      7 months ago

      Orchestration is labor here. Execs are workers as far as the labor theory of property is concerned. I agree that regulatory capture is a problem. I have not mentioned the state here tho. Anti-capitalists work with the historical definition of capitalism.

      Also, going back to stability, coops provide stable jobs because they take labor force as a fixed factor and during a downturn they prefer cutting pay over cutting some jobs to maintain the pay of others’ jobs
