Fact Check

Based on currently available numbers, there are about 31 vacant housing units for every homeless person in the U.S.

  • @jorp
    14 months ago

    I’m not sure what you mean by “the government” but why not look at the medical system in the US compared to any other similarly developed nation?

    Is your thesis that profit motive and competition the only way that any good or service should be produced?

    Would you prefer to pay a toll on every privately owned road you take? How should mercenaries be paid in order to guarantee they won’t mind living in a nuclear sub for months? If the weather service can’t raise enough capital by selling stock how should we collect weather data?

    • @[email protected]
      04 months ago

      The medical field is one of the most regulated things in america.

      My thesis is that the government structurally cant do things efficiently.

      I dont want zero government, but I want smaller government. RIght now the US has the biggest government(s) in the history of the world, why not make it a bunch smaller? The government is the direct cause of why things are so expensive, would you like to have cheaper housing and in exchange less government involvement in your life?

      • @jorp
        14 months ago

        As someone who considers my ideal society to be one that’s left-anarchist I can sympathize with that point. However that’s not something that can be done overnight and requires building parallel power structures and communities.

        However, given the realities of today. A State that serves people interests rather than profit interests is the next best thing.

        Every statement you’re making and your entire way of looking at this problem are rooted in existing capitalist frameworks. I’m not going to convince you that there are better ways, but putting aside my online persona for a minute I encourage you to learn about what other ways MIGHT be.

        You are only thinking of the state as its current neoliberal incarnation. Your critiques of the state are local in time and geography to today and where you live.

        Humans have come up with wildly different ways, and there are many more that might only be enabled now in what’s effectively a post scarcity economy with respect to our basic needs. We are overproducing and wasting every single thing a human needs: shelter, clothing, food. Yet people still don’t have those things. Is this an efficient economy?

        You don’t owe me anything, but maybe you’ll find it interesting to think about these things and learn about wildly different ways that things could be working so that you can broaden your imagination. A skim of the topics in here might inspire https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/peter-gelderloos-anarchy-works

        • @[email protected]
          04 months ago

          The problem is that the state will not ever serve the peoples interest, that power will be taken by the powerful and directed where they want.

          I think your biggest problem is that your dream includes taking away my rights to interact with people as I wish. I want you to have freedom, but you want to take away my freedom. We can run down the various reasons why socialism/communism dont work even in theory, but I dont think that will help you see what the end result would be.

          • @jorp
            14 months ago

            As I said my dream is anarchism, which has free association as part of its core. I’m separating that from my idea of how a state should function because states are something we have to live under today.

            Anarchism is compatible with (to put it mildly) communism and socialism. In fact you’d be hard pressed to find anarchists who aren’t those things. And it does not require anyone to be forced into anything.

            • @[email protected]
              04 months ago

              You said left anarchism which is the communist side of things. The libertarian side has a lot of anarchists, and those are the most famous ones. See Dave Smith and Michael Malice. Communism is the biggest form of government in the end, you have to use force to get people like me to do what you want.

              • @jorp
                4 months ago

                You’re very misinformed. All Anarchists are opposed to all forms of oppression and free association is core to left anarchism as well. Communism is not the same as authoritarianism.

                You’ve completely bought the propaganda, I’m sad to say. I encourage you to do research.

                I don’t respect Libertarians for the most part, because they’re individualists for the most part, and they don’t usually oppose capitalism, which an authoritarian economic system

                  • @jorp
                    4 months ago

                    Editing to remove snippy comment. You should just learn about anarchism on your own. You’re asking redundant questions.

                  • @jorp
                    14 months ago

                    Let me leave you with another question seeing as you seem to be a pro capitalist “anarchist”

                    Why should workers take orders from dictators? Why is the economy authoritarian and not democratic