No exact number was immediately confirmed, but the network reported that “dozens” of legislators are expected to come out against the president. Two sources told CBS that the planning is coordinated, with some of the statements pre-written. One insider added that the weekend could be “brutal” for Biden, and that it could be impossible for him to continue as the party’s presumptive nominee as early as next week.

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    You’re conflating symptoms of holding on to power with characteristics of loyalty.

    You’re apparently convinced that replacing Biden, who has successfully passed major progressive legislation, is the right move because an extreme minority of democratic politicians and (not coincidentally) majority of conservatives want Biden to step down because…he’s behaving exactly the same as he has been for the first 4 years of his presidency.

    Are you also happy that Gore was pressured to step down because of the media consensus that “he was boring”?

    Does that ring a bell?

    People got excited about name calling and missed out on progressive climate change and the Green New deal a generation ago.

    How about Hillary Clinton being so “ill” that she couldn’t be relied upon to faithfully execute the presidency?

    People got excited about name calling and the US got arguably the worst president ever in American history.

    People get excited about name calling, especially when popular culture tells them that it’s good to get excited about it.

    Gore was too “boring”, Hillary was too “ill”, and Biden, regardless of having zero problem administrating the presidency for the past 4 years up to the present day, is too “old” to administrate the office of the presidency.

    It’s fun for a lot of people to agree with popular invective because it’s a small and irrelevant topic they can understand and comment on, but that doesn’t make the invective correct or in any way a valid reason to judge a presidency or candidacy.

    • @PugJesus
      22 months ago

      You’re apparently convinced that replacing Biden, who has successfully passed major progressive legislation, is the right move because an extreme minority of democratic politicians and (not coincidentally) majority of conservatives want Biden to step down

      How many Dem congresscritters coming out would it take to convince you that it’s not just a minority? Keeping in mind that making a public statement is already a very radical position, especially at this point in the race.

      • @[email protected]
        2 months ago

        A majority would convince me that a minority is not a minority…

        It’s a damaging position for pelosi and others to take especially at this point in the race.

        But not radical, since the calls are not new or departing from the norm.

        Like the calls for Gore and Clinton to step down from their candidacies for similarly irrelevant reasons.

        Heck, pelosi is 3 years older than Biden.

        By your reckoning, your championing of pelosi is invalid because she’s too old.

        • @PugJesus
          22 months ago

          Like the calls for Gore and Clinton to step down from their candidacies for similarly irrelevant reasons.

          They weren’t the incumbents, and weren’t being asked by sitting congressmen to step down at the last possible minute for the good of the party.

          By your reckoning, your championing of pelosi is invalid because she’s too old.

          At what point have I used age as my reasoning for why Biden needs to be replaced?

          • @[email protected]
            02 months ago

            That’s the argument people are using that you’re agreeing with.

            It’s the same type of irrelevant invective used by conservatives before to great success.

            Doesn’t make the insults relevant arguments.

            • @PugJesus
              22 months ago

              That’s the argument people are using that you’re agreeing with.

              No, the argument the Congressmen are making is that Biden is not up to the task of running a presidential campaign. If it was just his age, they would have spoken up before. He didn’t suddenly jump in age a few years, surprising everyone.

              • @[email protected]
                12 months ago

                He didn’t surprise everyone.

                Everyone is pretending they’re surprised.

                Him not being able to faithfully execute the office of the presidency is obviously an illogical argument since he’s been doing it for 4 years straight without a problem.

                • @PugJesus
                  12 months ago

                  Him not being able to faithfully execute the office of the presidency is obviously an illogical argument since he’s been doing it for 4 years straight without a problem.

                  Okay, a few things here.

                  1. Age, even without any other factors, does sap your capabilities. This may shock you, but Biden is not as lively as he was 10 years ago. Shocking, I know.

                  2. The argument is not that he is incapable of executing the office of the presidency, but that he is incapable of running a campaign of the intensity necessary to defeat the fascists in the GOP, while simultaneously executing the office of the president.

                  3. Biden is at the age where degeneration can happen very quickly. He’s unlikely to get better. He’s likely to get worse.

                  • @[email protected]
                    2 months ago
                    1. “Age, even without any other factors, does sap your capabilities. This may shock you, but Biden is not as lively as he was 10 years ago. Shocking, I know.”

                    This is exactly my point. You’re pretending to be surprised that he’s old so that you can agree with a pop culture invective that is entirely irrelevant to his presidency and candidacy.

                    Same thing as Gore being “boring” or Clinton being “ill”.

                    Conservative insults with a grain of truth that are completely irrelevant to their policies or ability to administrate the executive branch, but very damaging to their candidacy.

                    1. So your argument is that if he doesn’t step down, he might lose the election?

                    Don’t let this shock you, but a political candidate might win or lose any election regardless of their “intensity”.

                    Biden didn’t need to be as much of an asshole as one of the GOP when he won 4 years ago, he doesn’t have to now.

                    1. This is the same point with the same inherent critical flaw as your first:

                    Biden is old.

                    Being old hasn’t stopped him winning the presidency already and passing progressive legislation for the past 4 years.

                    Insults have no bearing on biden’s performance during his presidency or his candidacy.

                    You’re anxious.

                    Take your anxieties further to their logical conclusions.

                    1. Biden is reelected, he passes away sometime during his second term, we still have a democratic executive branch with a proven track record of progressive legislation.

                    Not exactly a nightmare scenario.

                    1. Biden loses: it is an election. Sometimes the guy you want to win doesn’t win.

                    Do you think repeating thetired and demonstrably false conservative complaints that have been irrelevant for biden’s entire first term are going to benefit scenario 1 or scenario 2?