It was definetly DNS

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      I am not made of money and cannot afford new drives, so once the backup was done I pulled em out thinking it was going to be a quick weekend job

      Then… Life happened.

      The REAL issue is the dog pissing on the mobo one night when I left the parts on the ground. He doesn’t do that usually so my guess is the Spray-Paint (I also painted the case) was causing doggy nose problems so he doused the smell or something. Took 2 days (I only have so much patience after work) of troubleshooting to figure out what fucking parts were functional after that.

      This is not my first rodeo. No, I will never learn. If I still had my ADHD medication this would have been done in 1 weekend without issue but hey, I have broken brain!

      • @grue
        77 months ago

        Don’t work on electronics on the floor. Spread them across the dining room table so that it can’t be used for meals and your wife can complain about that, too!

        • @[email protected]
          27 months ago

          When I had a dining room table I did that one time and earned anger.

          Nowadays the only table big enough currently has a different project sprawled all over it because a part is on Back-Order, so I make due

          • @dohpaz42
            17 months ago

            Buy a table saw, hammer, and screwdriver and build yourself a new table. What could go wrong? 😉