• @PugJesus
    52 months ago

    I don’t know that any amount of homeruns will help at this point. The barn door is open, the horses have bolted. A significant minority of his party has openly called for him to step down, and one of the most influential members all but asked him to drop out in a public statement. That’s going to be a millstone around his neck going forward.

    • @jordanlundOPM
      32 months ago

      It will be, but if he can hold it together for one more month, then have a stellar performance at the convention, it will go a long way.

      • @tortina_original
        72 months ago

        That man is supposed to hold the office for 4 more years, not one more month.

        Dems were so fucking arrogant in 2016, they are doing the same thing again. They can’t read the room 😕

        • @Sanctus
          132 months ago

          The contingencies for a President dying in office are rigorously tested by time. A fascist takeover the likes of this has never happened in America. I’ll take electing someone who might not make it the four years, or really whoever isn’t the guy trying to turn this place into a christian version of the Taliban’s Afghanistan.

          • @ProvableGecko
            62 months ago

            Yes obviously even a dead guy is better than a fascist but the problem is getting the corpse back in the office.

            • Decoy321
              82 months ago

              No, the problem is preventing the fascist from getting into the office. Fuck the corpse, we’ll Weekend at Bernie’s it if we have to. Let’s bring the focus back to the fascists. All this talk about replacement is just a blatant diversion from that.

            • ddh
              72 months ago

              “Live Biden > Dead Biden > Dead Trump > Live Trump”