• @Linkerbaan
    2 months ago

    In the UK there are 5 independent MP’s who beat both mainstream parties that won just by advocating for a ceasefire in Gaza.

    Now if anyone wants to save Democracy it might be time to sack Genocide Joe and run a candidate that actually has popular policies. Because Biden will not beat Trump and that was even before he started adding Geriatric to his list of adjectives.

    • El Barto
      72 months ago

      The irony is that if people don’t vote for Biden because of his Israel policy (which has been the policy of every president before him), then Trump will win and then Gaza will be finished.

      • mozzOP
        -22 months ago

        Like a big graveyard

        And then the Israelis will move in, presumably, and the Palestinians will become a scattered-handful ethnicity with no country at all, like the Kurds. Or like the Jews used to be.

        • @nomous
          12 months ago

          But then we can rebuild Temple Mount and establish The Third Temple at al-Aqsa mosque and welcome The Messiah back!

      • @Linkerbaan
        2 months ago

        Gaza is already finished what do you mean?

        It might be impossible to understand for Biden supporters but some people actually have functional red lines. And Biden crossed them.

        Rewarding Biden for this behavior is far worse in the long term than the slightly more evil Trump could be. Thought I doubt Trump would actually be worse on Palestine.

        • ObliviousEnlightenment
          12 months ago

          So you would rather enable a Gaza at home over your morals. Great job. OUTCOMES MATTER

          • @Linkerbaan
            -12 months ago

            When you read the “first they came for” poem, what do you think it means?

            A vote for Biden is a vote for Genocide and Fascism to come to the USA in the future.

            • TomAwsm
              2 months ago

              What’s better, fascism “sometime in the future”, or fascism in 4 months?

              • @Linkerbaan
                2 months ago

                It’s like I’m talking to a bunch of CEO’s that are incapable of seeing anything else than short term gains.

                Unless you’re fully bought into the 2025 fearmongering BS, a vote for Biden now means Democrats will learn they can keep doing this in the future.

                If this makes Biden lose they will learn that screwing over an entire voter demographic to make Genocide possible is not a viable political strategy.

    • ObliviousEnlightenment
      12 months ago

      We arent Europe. Most American Boomers, even the ones who arent republicans, support Israel. Because they’re boomers

      • @Linkerbaan
        2 months ago

        Suburban boomers are not relevant. Swing voters are the only party that matters. Without them Democrats won’t win.

        Supposedly Bidens support for israel was because he wants to win the Zionist vote in New York. Strangely everyone found that perfectly reasonable and didn’t say anything about how Trump is actually antisemitic (Nevermind that it turns out real Jews actually don’t support israel because New York is turning into a Red state right now after Biden got on his knees for Netanyahu)

        But using the exact same logic as Biden uses to win Zionist votes, Democrats seem perplexed that Arabs and Muslims aren’t going to vote for someone committing Genocide against their people.

    • GladiusB
      02 months ago

      I would love to adopt an European system. I wish .ore people accepted that they have been doing it longer and better. But that whole “we left it behind” thing.

    • @draneceusrex
      -12 months ago

      You haven’t answered the question. Who else will beat Trump?

            • @[email protected]
              02 months ago

              He is older than both Trump and Biden, and we all generally agree both of them are already too old.

              • @Linkerbaan
                2 months ago

                He is 1 year older.

                Biden is not too old in absolute numbers. He is too old in terms of literally having a mental illness and being unable to function.

                Do Democrats not know how aging works too? Not every person contracts an illness at the same age.

      • @Maggoty
        22 months ago

        Harris, Whitmer, Newsome all poll well.