• @PunnyName
    228 months ago

    Damn, you’re so close, yet somehow completely missed the fucking target.

    • @[email protected]
      -178 months ago

      What, the government is allowing illegal immigrants to come in for the implicit purpose to work cheaper than Americans. Its true that a lot of people are misdirecting some of their anger, but theres still a lot of anger at the government

      • @PunnyName
        8 months ago

        Oh, you’ve deviated from landing on the point rather quickly.

        Why can’t you anti-immigrant people just say the quiet part aloud?


        And despite the fact that corporations are the bad guy, you still somehow blame the god-damned government. Corporations are the ones hiring immigrants and not citizens. They are the ones lobbying the government you so despise (unless military for some fucking reason - but okay with the VA getting gutted, because gubment). They are the ones polluting our planet.

        Hell, we just had a border bill get blocked by Reps, despite said bill being everything they wanted. Because dear leader Fuckface 45 wasn’t gonna get credit, so his minions fell in line like the god-damned lemmings they are.

        At every. fucking. turn. republicans and corporations are the main culprit for all the bad shit going on in this country, and every time “bOtH siDeS” is the refrain from the ignorant and bigoted.

        But you don’t care, because fear and hatred are more powerful and deep rooted, and because someone painted a target for you, you’re gonna shoot at that.

        Instead of questioning why you hate people you’ve never met.