In the very bottom box, it mentioned message length but I am not quite sure how to make it work. I have tried: 2000 character replies, paragraph replies, 10 sentence replies, and a bunch of other things.

Anyone know how to make this work?

  • @perchanceM
    2 months ago

    Hmm yeah the AI sometimes just follows the pattern of messages that came beforehand instead of following instructions properly. Can you try this: Instead of having the character name as Bob:, set it to Bob (long response): or something. It might work as a hack until I get around to writing a better prompt for message length. Let me know if that worked, since it’ll be useful to know when prompt engineering. Also, if you can share any chats (here or via DM) where the AI was “stuck” making short messages (i.e. ignoring length instructions), that would be useful to help me implement a “message length” setting/option, but no worries if not.

    Edit: I’ve added a checkbox for longer messages. Under the hood it basically uses the above approach but hides the (long response) text from view. Let me know if you still have issues.

    • @star8469OP
      2 months ago

      So far the new box you added works wonderfully! Should I make a new post with other suggestions?

      • @perchanceM
        12 months ago

        Great! You can just reply here if you like

        • @star8469OP
          12 months ago

          Being able to have an option to add in other characters that also get their own description box would be cool.

          Also an option to have chance happenings. Something like a dice rolling feature. Kind of like having a character trying to jump a gap. Being able to set the % chance for success/fail and seeing the roll.

    • @star8469OP
      12 months ago

      When I have a spot where I’m looking for longer replies and I put in the instruction, I will see how it goes.