"So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye,” Biden said.

    • @[email protected]
      -12 months ago

      “Hey, I can’t find this.”

      “Finding it is so easy, look!” [Links to a different thing instead]

      At this point, I’m assuming that you made it up and that’s why you didn’t send me a link.

      As for what you did link, the average shows Trump less than 2% ahead, and I don’t see an easy breakdown of demographic information. (Not surprising, given that it’s an aggregation of many polls, but it still doesn’t meet my minimum specifications.) Furthermore, the data points being averaged are all over the place. As I said before, the polls showing Biden behind a significant ammount show younger voters favoring Trump, which strikes me as an obvious indicator of failure in the methodology. If this failure in methods is as pervasive as I suspect, then the average is going to skew far in Trump’s favor. But again, I have no way of verifying that.

      • @bostonbananarama
        02 months ago

        It’s literally on that page. Great job actually looking though!

        If you don’t see a breakdown, again it’s because you didn’t look. Every poll has a link to it.

        • @[email protected]
          02 months ago

          And yet you failed to provide it. Again.

          Why would I go on a wild goose chase to find something that I’m pretty sure you’re making up?