• I have recently started using RSS feeds to get news and other information. It is quite time-saving.
  • Recently found out that word could open pdfs for edits. Used to upload pdfs to websites to get it converted into some editable format. I think Libreoffice can do the same.
  • Got that spinning type of mop and mopping has become a bit easier.
  • Sonotsugipaa
    18 months ago

    I don’t have LibreOffice installed, but on Firedragon (a fork of Floorp (based on Firefox)) CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN behaves the same as SHIFT+DOWN, with no selection split; CTRL+D also has nothing to do with selection.

    • wuphysics87
      28 months ago

      I meant that holding ctrl+left/right or bs/del acts on a word object rather than a character. Same with ctrl+shift+left/right. I use this to select and cut words without moving my hand to the mouse. Mostly writing emails in outlook on Firefox.

      Appologies if there was some misunderstanding.