What’s interesting to me is of course how cheaply Bioshock got made compared to today’s blockbuster hits. Somewhere, we took the wrong turn in regards to modern game development, truly.

Too many managers to pay and as a result too high personel costs, I would assume. :<

  • magic_lobster_party
    78 months ago

    I don’t think they would keep investing in marketing if they didn’t know if it worked. I’m just guessing, but I believe there’s a noticeable bump in sales after a successful marketing campaign.

    • @OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe
      48 months ago

      And that’s what I think they’re failing to measure. I think they’re unable to accurately divorce the increase in sales from other incentives/market forces, and so they’re just doing what they’ve been doing regardless of actual merit, or the merit is being improperly evaluated