The shooter was 12 when Trump was first elected. archive

  • @johker216
    38 months ago

    I’d point you to the assassin of John Lennon - he is/was a big Beatles fan but murdered John anyway because of who John became. That still doesn’t have anything to do with the parallel argument, in this case, of the likelihood that Mark was pretending to be a Beatles fan or not.

    Actions do speak louder than words - this would-be assassin registered as a Republican. The conspiracy theory that he was trying to affect a Primary makes no sense based on timing alone, let alone there not being an iota of evidence indicating he wasn’t a Republican. Republicans created the environment for this kid to do what he attempted to do and they should own up to their culpability rather than rely on bots and useful idiots to blame everyone but themselves for this problem.

    • @WraithGear
      -28 months ago

      Why is EVERYONE blaming someone else. jfc, both sides without any real information is jumping in trying to blame the other with weak sauce evidence. You are doing the exact same just like a redditor. Why would you care if it turned out he was democrat ? You afraid that the republicans would blame the left? Big whoop.

      • @johker216
        18 months ago

        Bro, you inserted yourself into a conversation where someone claimed that the shooter was cosplaying a Republican and, inexplicably, defended them. The only person you should be getting butthurt with is yourself instead of dropping the inevitable “both sides” shit 🤣