• @saltesc
    478 months ago

    I was taught HIV was from gay people putting things in the wrong places. I always got scared about having to shower my butt and junk because it meant I was touching one after the other and I could carelessly give myself AIDS. They never taught me if it was the dick touching the poo or the poo touching the dick that would kill me,.so I never knew which to clean first.

    • Orbituary
      288 months ago

      Partly bad info from the 80s and 90s. My uncle had HIV/AIDs in thr late 80s-90s. He wanted us all to get together for one last Thanksgiving before he died, but my dad said it was too risky for us kids. My uncle passed before Christmas in 93. My dad regrets it to this day.

    • TheHarpyEagle
      48 months ago

      What’s insane is so many adults still believe AIDS is from being gay. I mean it takes a seconds to reason that any man is more likely to spread AIDS because, you know, they’re shooting a bunch of bodily fluids into someone else. But no, the virus can sense the homosexuality.