• Possibly linux
    88 months ago

    Employers can’t find good candidates either. The entire system is broken and AI made it so much worse. In person events are the only way these days

    • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S [he/him]
      138 months ago

      Yeah, so I’m prepping like hell for the upcoming Career Fair at my school, but I really don’t know what else to do. I’m not a “social butterfly”.

      • @[email protected]
        98 months ago

        As someone who escaped that hellhole a while back the secret is networking.

        I’m a very introverted person who hates small talk and showing off, so it was miserable, but all of the interviews I got, except for one, out of my 250-350 applications were solely from networking. I started going through my contacts and shit, and I was looking at who I knew in the field, or might have connections in it. Worked wonders.

        • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S [he/him]
          78 months ago

          I started going through my contacts

          Yeah that’s my problem. I’m an extremely insular autistic person with basically zero contacts. Other than my dentist or Lemmy, I haven’t had a semi-serious conversation with anyone in literally weeks.

                • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S [he/him]
                  18 months ago

                  I don’t have a recruiter. I have met with people at my school’s career center, but it seemed like their job was to direct me to online resources that I already read.

                  • @[email protected]
                    28 months ago

                    Get a recruiter. Their job is to get you a job, and their commission depends on how high your salary is. They’re typically free.

                    I’ve used Robert Half in the past and was happy with them.

      • @Ledivin
        88 months ago

        The unfortunate reality is that you need to be personable first, and knowledgeable second. They’re both important, but you can’t get in the door without the first. Try to find a common ground with the interviewer or whoever you talk to at the fair, it will boost your chances 1000x

      • @[email protected]
        28 months ago

        a “social butterfly” is someone who bounces around a lot, interacting with many people but connecting deeply with none.

        Your generation needs to be careful using that term as the gold standard for social skills. It’s not entirely a good thing.

      • Possibly linux
        08 months ago

        I hope you aren’t paying to much for school. A college degree is important but I see a pot of people get the degree and fall on there face.

        What I would recommend is to do a practice interview with a career coach. Most universities have a career center.

        Also have related hobby type stuff you can point to if you don’t have a not of experience. Be ready to learn and enjoy what you do.