I would for vote Kamala. I would vote for a cactus with sunglasses if it had the Democratic nomination. You would do yourself well to consider anything that is weaking the resolve of the anti-trump sentiment straight poison to your brain. We have only one job this novemeber and that is to stop trump. The Supreme Court has given him the status of king. Quit acting like your vote is sacred and start realizing your vote is your final cry before your rights are forfeited.

  • @lennybird
    2 months ago

    I’ll do my duty and vote for Biden, but we’re going to lose with Biden.

    • 37% approval-rating matching Jimmy Carter; no candidate in history won with those numbers.
    • Biden has the most catastrophic debate performance in history, proving long-held fears by 75% of the electorate that Biden is too old 3 an immutable, worsening attribute.
    • Biden was already hemorrhaging black and hispanic voters.
    • Biden was already losing youth vote in part due to his position on Israel.
    • Trump’s polls hardly budge after a full-blown criminal conviction.
    • Trump seizes the narrative for the first time positively with a VP pick and TIME-cover magazine shots of him pumping his fist, defiant with a flag in the background as he’s covered in blood from an assassination attempt.
    • Trump campaign has barely spent a nickle of their war chest money while Biden has been dumping their cash just to stay afloat in the polls as damage-control post-debate.
    • Biden campaign team has ZERO strategy to change the trajectory of his terrible polls, including the 6 battleground states, all of which he trails in.

    Ultimately it’s not me you have to convince; it’s the low-info battleground state swing-voter who now is either not voting or leaning Trump once again.

    I will continue to advocate for Biden to step down until post-Convention; after that, well, I’ll probably bet money against his victory. That way, at least it’s win-win for me.

    • @vxx
      2 months ago

      His opponent only has 3% more approval.

      • @UnderpantsWeevil
        62 months ago

        Go state by state and it gets a lot worse. He’s poised to lose Michigan in a state the Dem Governor is going to swing by ten points.

      • @lennybird
        2 months ago

        Right but now compare that to 2020 disparity between candidates while keeping in mind Biden only won by 40,000 votes in 3 battleground states.

        • @vxx
          2 months ago

          Doesn’t seem too far off. Maybe about 5-6% worse than july 2020.

          • @lennybird
            12 months ago

            And additionally 10 points down nationally from where Biden was in h2h polling when comparing 538 polling aggregates.

            Whats worse between 2020 and 2024 is that Biden has had 3.5 years to prove himself, give the Americans a chance, and he still had terrible approval ratings. These numbers are likely baked in because the electorate is very familiar with both candidates.

            • @vxx
              2 months ago

              Aren’t the 10% pretty moot, since it’s a two party system?

              Wait two weeks and we can talk again, because we’re now at the time frame the trend for the final run will be set.

              BTW, I have tagged you as “Both Sides Don’t vote” for a while now.

              • @lennybird
                2 months ago

                I think it matters because Democrats must outperform Republicans nationally in popular vote in order to have any chance at an Electoral College victory. On the eve of 2020 election, Biden was up 8% over Trump, won by 7 million votes, and yet ultimately only won by 40,000 critical votes in 3 battleground states largely decided by low-info swing voters who once voted for Obama, then Trump, and then Biden again. Thus, if he’s now down 3-6 points and not up 8 pts, that portends a sweeping Electoral defeat.

                I guess we shall see for better or worse.

                And honestly, what does that tag mean? I’ve never promoted BotH sIDeS and I’ve never advocated for anyone to not vote or vote 3rd party. Cite me otherwise. Good luck. Because I think you may be missing the nuance and forging a strawman out of my position.

      • @lennybird
        2 months ago

        Even if he didn’t, which it certainly won’t hurt him, Biden is already underperforming not just his 2020 run by a full 10 points, he’s doing worse than Hillary’s 2016 run. I’m glad Trump chose Vance as it doesn’t help him, but again it doesn’t change the bottom-line.

        We need to jump ship while there is still time.

        Adam Schiff now just publicly called for for Biden to step down.

        • Queen HawlSera
          02 months ago

          We need to be ready to stick to him no matter what if he doesn’t though

          • @lennybird
            2 months ago

            Indeed, we’d have no other better choice. It just puts me back where I was pre-Debate, but with less hope.

            • Queen HawlSera
              72 months ago

              God I wish that debate never happened, I wasn’t even slightly worried about Biden’s chances until that made me go “Oh shit…”

              People I know irl have actually switched to Trump because they’re worried Biden is a danger to himself and those around him. They keep saying “Oh Project 2025 will never pass, we got checks and balances”, but that’s not really true anymore

              • fadingembers
                42 months ago

                Project 2025 is already well under way. The supreme court has seen to that

              • @lennybird
                32 months ago

                I’ll be honest… I was still worried, and I think the Biden camp was, too. I just fell in line and tried to do my part in highlighting the obvious contrast between a fascist old guy and just an old guy who means well. It’s why they took the debate in the first place because Biden’s numbers have been on a steadily downward slope even without major Republican spending.

                I’ve heard similar, in a critical battleground state no less from the likes of my one uncle. Obama->Trump->Biden->Undecided/Leaning-Trump. :))

                • Queen HawlSera
                  2 months ago

                  How the fuck can you go from Obama to Trump? Isn’t that like getting out of a Spike Lee joint and going “Can’t wait to tell the fellas at the Klan meeting about this awesome picture!”

                  Stress Project 2025, and show them THIS - This ad was the moment I knew that Vance was a disgusting human being who needs to be nowhere near the White House.

                  I can’t believe they actually aired an ad that asks if I hate Mexicans with “Yes” being the answer the ad was not only expecting, but actively hoping for

                  • @lennybird
                    42 months ago

                    LMAO ah I see why they chose Vance… He appeals to the low-education joe roganite and pissed off uncle who needs something to blame. FUCK I wish Whitmer could run and then say, “look mother fucker, I was almost kidnapped by right-wing MAGA extremists and I’ll have you know if you actually paid attention in school, you’d understand the statistics behind the fact that native-born white American citizens commit more violent crime than undocumented immigrants.”

                    But yeah, it’s true… There are LOADS of people who jumped from Obama to Trump; check this out:

                    These people have an extremely shallow understanding of politics. They pretty much only hear the water-cooler banter at work, tune into Fox News partly hooked by the sports and that’s about all they do. They go with the winds very easily. If they’d have a beer with the guy and the economy is good, then sure they’ll vote. Why not. If they don’t, then they’ll either sit out or vote the other person (2016). Some are nihilists who just like to watch the world burn, Idk…