• @massacre
    6 months ago

    “undermines the integrity of elections by increasing the opportunity for individuals to register to vote even though they are ineligible to do so.”

    The quote is false on it’s face - they already know that ineligible registrants won’t get processed or be on the roll to vote. They want to keep disengaged voters disengaged - nothing else, here except for maybe the dog whistle of “illegal immigrant voters!”

    If anything, this gives me hope still in 2024 that the GOP are STILL trying to suppress voter turnout because they know they will lose the popular vote because their policies are fascist garbage and so are their politicians.

    • @[email protected]
      146 months ago

      It’s because there are articles exposing P2025 for eliminating the VA and the VA compensation program. This effectively makes millions of veterans homeless, or have drastic reduction in quality of life due to money being cut.

      For the first time in a long time, it looks like the veteran vote might not go for GOP, and (surprise Pikachu) the GOP is trying to eliminate the entire voting block.