• @MeekerThanBeaker
    32 months ago

    Yeah. Thought about that. Just don’t know how she’d take it. Guess it will be up to the Dems to convince her… if any of this even happens.

    • qprimed
      82 months ago

      and were biden to withdraw and she were to take the VP position for another term, it would improve her standing in my mind tremendously. selflessness (or at least delayed gratifcation) is an attribute you want to see in a leader.

      • @IchNichtenLichten
        32 months ago

        Maybe I’m not understanding the procedure here but Biden picked Harris. Wouldn’t a different nominee have the right to name the VP of their choosing?

        I guess the best way forward is an open primary. If Harris wants the nomination she should run like any other candidate.

        • qprimed
          22 months ago

          not disagreeing with you. a primary and delegate vote should asolutely rewrite the ticket. I am suggesting that, if the path of least resistance passes through kamala, I am not going to throw a a hissyfit as long as delegates get a fair vote on the presidential nominee.