• Dojan
    1172 months ago

    That’s literally the point, though. There are some easy steps to avoid it too.

    • Make sure your product is finished when you charge full price on release
    • Don’t remove features that were previously present
    • Don’t add invasive software
    • Don’t add arbitrary requirements that you’re not upfront with
    • DarkThoughts
      432 months ago

      Imo that’s not review bombing, that’s just reviewing. Review bombing should be used for unwarranted reviews, such as “muh wokeism” type shit.

      • @[email protected]
        212 months ago

        I disagree. imo review bombing is more like a protest or boycott. a collective action that may or may not be justified

      • @njm1314
        132 months ago

        That’s exactly what these companies and gaming journalists refer to as review bombing though. It’s just a way to stop consumers from using the one weapon we have

      • Neshura
        72 months ago

        As much as I get your point someone leaving a negative review because of (perceived) political elements in a game they don’t like is still a valid review

        • DarkThoughts
          32 months ago

          Leaving a negative review over people of color, women, women in power, homosexual relationships, etc. etc. is absolutely not a valid review. Stop normalizing bigotry.