Even if you don’t want to make it, I’ve never been in a supermarket that doesn’t offer a fresher option. I’ve even been in gas stations that offer what they at least claim is fresh potato salad.

Maybe if you really, really wanted potato salad and you were in a food desert but the corner 7-11 has canned potato salad you might buy it, but I’ve never seen this before in my life.

I don’t get it.

  • @MrJameGumb
    265 months ago

    I’ve actually tried this brand before and it’s not bad! It’s a much different type of potato salad than the fresh kind they sell in the deli aisle. I don’t think they’re meant to be direct competition for each other

    • Flying SquidOP
      -155 months ago

      You mean it doesn’t taste like German potato salad? Because then it’s not as advertised.

      Also, if the potatoes are still firm in that can and not near-blended potato soup mush, they are using some weird-ass chemicals you probably don’t want in your body.

      • @MrJameGumb
        5 months ago

        Where I live the stuff in the deli aisle is all mayo based potato salad regardless of what type it’s supposed to be. The stuff I had from the can has no mayo and is vinegar based and the potatoes are more firm. I have no idea which one would be considered more “authentic” as far as what “German potato salad” is supposed to be.

        As far as chemicals that may be in the canned stuff, I honestly didn’t check and I don’t eat potato salad often enough for it to be a real concern to me personally.

        If it seems that reprehensible to you then maybe just don’t buy it? The fact that the store here keeps restocking it means someone must think it’s good enough to keep buying it lol

        • WastedJobe
          185 months ago

          Mayo vs vinegar is kind of an actual debate in germany. The civilised side and the vinegar people are mostly blissfully unaware of each other until they develop righteous hatred for the other salad as soon as they learn of it. I heard the vinegar version is eaten warm, which sounds even worse. I would say both are authentic, but vinegar potato salad is authentically horrible.
          Storebought potato salad will also at best get people talking behind your back in germany, no matter which kind.

          • @[email protected]
            205 months ago

            The civilised side and the vinegar people

            I love how clearly this second sentence displays which of the two sides you are.

          • @De_Narm
            105 months ago

            I’ve lived in both regions and both versions are strictly inferior to a potatoe salad based on mustard (+ oil and broth). The vinegar version uses a bit of mustard, but I’m speaking of mustard being the main ingredient. Naturally, I’m hated by both sides.

            • WastedJobe
              5 months ago

              Naturally, I’m hated by both sides.

              As you should be. Though a bit of mustard is also good in the mayo version.

          • @MrJameGumb
            75 months ago

            This is the first I’ve heard of the Great German Potato Salad debate lol I will have to look into this further 🧐

            • @[email protected]
              85 months ago

              It’s a thing. Legend has it there are some humans who like both, but it may be propaganda from the potato-industry ;)

              • @[email protected]
                45 months ago

                I like both. Probably because I grew up with one grandma making the vinegar based type and one grandma making the mayo based type.

                • @[email protected]
                  35 months ago

                  I like them both too. My grandma made the vinegar verity and a friend of the family got a recipe from her grandma with mayo.

          • @[email protected]
            45 months ago

            This sounds so much like Spanish potato omelette. There’s the civilised side and the side that add onions to the omelette. And you don’t want to bring the topic to any peaceful conversation.

          • @[email protected]
            35 months ago

            Because you use broth, fresh beef broth (or a hearty vegetable one) and vinegar just as a spice. The South is looking very critical at the rest of Germany with their weird abominations they call potato salad ರ⁠_⁠ರ

        • @[email protected]
          65 months ago

          Being canned it doesn’t require any “weird chemicals”. Op should learn basic chemistry-canning is a preservation process that requires no “weird chemicals”, unless salt is considered a “weird chemical”.

          • @[email protected]
            25 months ago

            I think he’s saying that if the potatoes are both firm and canned, it’s because of some crazy chemicals. Not just canned goods = chemicals.

            Why he thinks you can’t can firm potatoes without chemicals? I have no clue.

        • @Blemgo
          25 months ago

          Both are authentic, with the vinegar variant being the Bavarian/Swabian variant. Not sure where the mayo variant came from however.

        • Flying SquidOP
          -25 months ago

          The fact that the store here keeps restocking it means someone must think it’s good enough to keep buying it lol

          I agree. I just don’t know who that someone is when they can buy it fresh in the deli in the same store. But then some people obviously prefer Treet to Spam.

          • @MrJameGumb
            95 months ago

            I guess people who don’t like mayo? Or maybe people who grew up eating that style of potato salad? Maybe just doomsday preppers who want to stock up their shelters?

            I live in the deep south and the deli aisles here sell like 3 or 4 different styles of fresh potato salad but all of them are like 50% mayo and sometimes I just want something different lol

          • @[email protected]
            35 months ago

            I, for one, am not a fan of “proper” potato salad because I dislike mayo.

            I’ve never had this stuff, but it sounds much more interesting to me.

            • @[email protected]
              35 months ago

              My grandma always makes both kinds for family gatherings (the mayo kind and the vinegar kind, vinegar being what she calls German potato salad). The way she makes it, the “sauce” part that coats the potatoes is bacon fat, vinegar and a little sugar.

              • @I_Fart_Glitter
                35 months ago

                Is the bacon fat and vinegar blended/emulsified? Is it served warm or cold? The flavors sound great, but I can’t picture how that’s not a messy puddle of grease and vinegar.

                • @[email protected]
                  35 months ago

                  It’s emulsified like you’re making a vinaigrette and my grandma always serves it warm

            • Flying SquidOP
              -35 months ago

              Fresh German potato salad doesn’t use mayo either. And it’s fresh.

              • @[email protected]
                5 months ago

                Then I guess we’re talking about at least… three(?) unrelated types of food that are called potato salad.

      • @BillDaCatt
        5 months ago

        Fun fact: a small amount of vinegar in the cooking water helps to keep potatoes from getting mushy.

      • @[email protected]
        25 months ago

        You assume there’s lots of chemicals, but did you check? The process of canning food doesn’t necessarily require a lot of chemicals: a lot of canned food is cooked in the can, after it’s sealed, which kills most of the microbes that might spoil the food and make you sick. And because it’s sealed, no microbes can get in, either.

        • Flying SquidOP
          -25 months ago

          It’s not about spoiling, it’s about potatoes getting mushy when they’re wet.