• @thesystemisdown
    8 months ago

    While we’re on this tangent, I’ve always felt the need to point out the following.

    Minimum Viable Product = Poorly planned, or not planned at all, crappy product that is created in haste by overworked, stressed out developers to make some middle manager in a suit and sneakers type feel like they’re doing something to please corporate, because they don’t have the guts or good sense to push back. This abomination is usually sold as “we’ll flesh it out in phase two.” Phase two never happens, because they’re off chasing whatever other shiny thing they think is important. Also, the last MVP that they farted out “didn’t gain traction.” /rant

    • Repple (she/her)
      18 months ago

      Some places have switched to MLP, “Minimum Lovable Product” for this reason, but that just really means My Little Pony.