This stupid topic again

But sure

  • @Cryophilia
    8 months ago

    AOC is standing with Biden, as is Bernie Sanders.

    Fucking Fox and CNN are calling for Biden to step down.

    That doesn’t seem strange to you?

    • @pyre
      18 months ago

      not at all. Bernie and AOC are already hated by their party and they have no pull. openly calling for him to step down is not going to help anything, if not have an adverse effect. with biden insisting on staying all they can do is try to appeal to their progressive base who doesn’t like biden at all to vote for him because they know biden will depress the vote.

      also i saw people on fox defending biden against these calls. it was basically “just let him run again dude, is he loses TFG gets to be president for 4 years then he’s gone forever… you can’t lose ONE election???” it was ridiculously desperate.

      • @Cryophilia
        18 months ago

        Oh so now when they’re supporting Biden they’re just liberal shills?

        • @pyre
          18 months ago

          what? where did i say that?

          • @Cryophilia
            18 months ago

            You’re saying they’re only supporting biden in a cynical calculated move to try to help Democrats win. That’s what “liberal shill” usually means.

            • @pyre
              8 months ago

              no it doesn’t. it’s not cynical to want to defeat the openly fascist candidate. why do u think Bernie told people to vote for Hillary in 2016? because he loved her policies so much?

              • @Cryophilia
                18 months ago

                Ok, what do you think “liberal shill” means?