Currently sitting in an ER so expect me to go silent for a bit.

Long story, my car got hit and ran(? runned?) and I went out to check the damage… stupidly barefoot… and managed to cut up both of my feet pretty good.

The other mods have been notified and will be making sure things don’t go off the rails, they’re just quieter than I am. :)

  • @lennybird
    8 months ago

    As a Barefoot runner it’s only natural if what you’re running on is also natural… Even then there are things like thorns lol. Glass is unforgiving.

    (and by Barefoot I still use minimalist shoes with at least some tread to them).

    Anyways… The mod is out of the house, party time!

    (in all sincerity, not fun sorry).

    • @Doesnotexist
      28 months ago

      As they say in Greece, when the cats away the mouse will dance.

    • @WoahWoah
      18 months ago

      And by barefoot runner you mean your feet aren’t bare when you run…?

      • @lennybird
        48 months ago

        The barefoot movement has prompted some manufacturers to introduce minimalist shoes, thin-soled and flexible shoes such as traditional moccasins and huaraches for minimalist running.

        It does sound weird, but barefoot running is more broadly associated with any type of running that includes 0-drop heels and thin-soled “minimalist” shoes of various types. Can say minimalist running, but they’re often used interchangeably. In fairness I do like raw doggin’ it occasionally, too.

        • @WoahWoah
          28 months ago

          Gotcha, was confused lol