For many years I’ve been pronouncing Sigil as Sij-ill, like the word sigil. Recently I read something in a post from WotC saying that it is pronounced sig-ill (hard G). This just sounded weird to me, so I am continuing to say it with a J sound. You know, like in GIF 😏

Anyway, are there any other names of things in D&D that made you go “huh?” when you heard the official pronunciation?

    • bizarroland
      8 months ago

      I am thoroughly convinced that the people who choose the soft G are people who are intentionally contrarian.

      “But the originator of the word says it’s a soft G”

      Yeah, and, the originator of the word is wrong.

      Hard G.

      • Elevator7009
        8 months ago

        I don’t like when people are intentionally contrarian, but I honestly first picked it up as soft “g” and pronounce it that way to this day. I’m aware that just replying to your comment with this disagreement might make me look intentionally contrarian and like I’m just denying it to ruffle feathers though ^^;