I like the games that aren’t serious hardcore games, but more casual.

I liked when they played that 51 games from Nintendo, where it was all card and board games. I forget the name of that.

I like Monopoly, and Mario Party, and Wheel Of Fortune, and Ice Hockey, and almost any golf game.

I know Ice Hockey doesn’t fit this mold, but I guess I see the patern of liking games where they take turns.

Although one of my favorite moments was Danny playing Legend of Zelda, Link to the Past, and finding out that if you attack the cucos, they attack you en masse.

Something about Danny feeling terrible about attacking an innocent DIGITAL chicken, and hating himself for listening to Arin, just made the moment great.

I also really like Mario Maker. Something about that series just makes them tell great stories.

I liked when Weird Al just showed up…for no real reason.

OH! I also like when they create their own characters in WWE games. I don’t even need to see the matches. Just seeing them creating the character.

  • @BrotherL0v3
    32 months ago

    Hard agree! Kirby Golf is my go-to Game Grumps playlist.