Please answer the question in the title. I’d really like to know. I was recently in the hospital for a few days and was sad to see that although the subscriber numbers here kept increasing, nobody was posting any challenges. So Please tell me what is the point of a game if nobody wants to participate?
Welcome to the DM’s quandary.
The Dungeon Master puts in all the extra time to build and run a campaign, but never gets to play.
Running a campaign is playing!
Wish I had fewwer scheduling issues getting in the way of my playing as a DM.
I’ve always been the designated “You seem to enjoy it more than everyone else” DM in my friend group.
I’m not saying being DM isn’t fun, (I’m itching to get a campaign going) but it’s not the same game that everyone else is playing, and every now and then you can’t help but think “Sure would be nice if someone made a dungeon for ME.”