• @Sanctus
    448 months ago

    This is what happens when trying to give equal platforming to buttcracks on top of shoulders. They shit all over everything and dont understand why the mic was taken from them. They dont understand why we can post about single payer healthcare and they can’t say immigrants deserve to die. They think all ideals are equal on the battlegrounds of legislature.

    • @[email protected]
      278 months ago

      Correction: some of them truly know why. However, they are trying to see what they can get away with, like a toddler testing their boundaries (“but why can’t I have dessert instead of dinner!?”). It is our fault if we fall prey to their BS.

      The only thing required for evil to flourish is for good people to do nothing.

      • @Sanctus
        88 months ago

        Those that are dumb far outweigh the manipulators. Get the dumb ones educated and the manipulators will lose their grasp. Or so I’d like to believe…

        • @[email protected]
          118 months ago

          This is what the original founders of the United States of America believed, but that did not last long.

          Separately, ignorance is different than obstinacy - the former is easily curable but I have never heard of anything ever that can possibly cure the latter.

          Anyway, you could have the most amazing endgame chess move ever planned out, but if you can’t get to it then it’s useless. The Republicans are winning so much lately bc they are playing the game as it is, not as they wish it could be in some fantasy scenario. If we want to beat them then it will take equal effort than they have put in for decades while liberals seem to have simply gone to sleep.