At what step do you struggle the most?

  • @GalacticTaterTot
    72 months ago

    Same. If I could skip the initial dating thing and just have an instant SO that I hang out with and enjoy, I’d be pretty happy. But I’m not good at meeting new people. Plus, after enough failed dates, it gets difficult to justify dumping more time into it. It’s so mentally taxing to find someone, get to know them, meet them (and deal with the amount of anxiety that goes into that whole ordeal), it probably doesn’t work out, repeat and try again. So I just hang out with my cat instead.

    • @[email protected]
      11 month ago

      Oh I get that, just looking for someone has never worked for me either, it’s so much effort and so little chance of working out that I just can’t be bothered. The relationships I had were with people I met through common interests. Like an IRL meeting of an online RPG and stuff like that. It’s so much easier to get to know people when you already have things in common, you can skip most of the annoying parts. Wish I had a cat too, though !