I’ve noticed that my productivity is directly correlated with the size of the feedback loop. Even little things like inline errors or a particular keybinding that you use can mean a big difference, I feel! Please feel free to share anything—I’d love to hear about your environments!

  • russ
    71 year ago

    Feedback loops are super important! For momentum, for reducing burnout, for implementing/debugging, everything. I think of it mostly as a tooling problem - the point of maintaining and improving your tools is to maintain/improve your feedback loops.

    For me it’s about this question: How quickly and easily can you verify that the code is doing what you think it’s doing?

    This is what I love about writing Clojure - you can write and evaluate abritrary bits of code (functions, expressions) without leaving the editor. Invoke a keybinding to send the current expression to the running repl, and the resulting value is returned, and can be interactively explored/walked in the editor. It makes for a fun interactive dev-loop, and is a nice way to design a solution to some problem. (A caveat is that getting into a working repl is non-trivial, as it’s dependent on your editor+plugins. It takes a bit of learning and unfortunately isn’t beginner-friendly.)

    Vim and emacs are also excellent for improving you feedback loops - both take some investment and some discomfort in the beginning, but ultimately you get out what you put in, and soon you can imagine and realize better workflows without much effort (adding your own functions, keybindings, hydras, etc). VSCode and other editors are also hackable, to some extent.

    Mostly I think it’s important to hack on your tooling on a regular basis, at least once a week or so.

    My old boss used to say he expected us to keep ‘sharp knives’ (as in cooking). I think companies should make time for the devs to work on tooling to improve these feedback loops - it’s the hiccups in the workflow that build up and lead to burnout/fatigue. Smooth workflows can actually be energizing instead of energy-draining!