I was watching this person’s videos on the matter. And was wondering what your experience has been with EVs and your opinion on the different connectors?

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    118 months ago

    Best car I ever had, so much nicer to drive than any deisel or petrol car I ever drove, and much faster. Second hand as usual. Cheap to run £4/wk vs £20/wk. I charge it at home at night when the electricity is cheap because it’s all wind power at that time of night. Even charging on long journeys is cheaper than fossil fuels.

    I don’t like to drive for too long without a proper break anyway so it hasn’t made much difference to us. I just plan it so that 250-300 miles into the journey is early lunch or tea time when we go on holiday. In the UK, the public chargers are pretty good and there’s loads of them. You want to arrive early for lunch if you’re at a motorway services because they get busy, but if you go for a macdonalds or shopping centre, you’ll be fine.

    The rest of the year, who cares about range or charging or anything? Just plug it in when you get home if it gets a bit low, and the car’s timer starts the charge when the tariff switches to cheap night electricity. You never need to go to a petrol station again.

    Seriously, best car ever. Smooth, FAST and good looking. Makes me happy every day.