• @Dasus
    37 months ago

    Who would even type it that way?

    You’ve never seen people use ordinal numbers?

    Never seen rankings of say, hand-egg players, put down as

    1. Namenamename
    2. Namenamename
    3. Namenamename


    “Ordinal” as in “by order” rather than cardinal numbers. In the middle of a a sentence you’d write “third” preferably, but you might also use “3rd”. My grammatically wrong sentence was on purpose to demonstrate that you can — or at least should be able to — read ordinal numbers.

    Just like you’d read 04.06.24 as “the fourth of July, 2024”. Well, you wouldn’t, you’d read that “the sixth of April”, but only because you’re using the stupid system for dates.

    “as in two halves or 3 quarters”

    Why didn’t you write “three”? Were you omitting more letters because you knew I would be able to read “3” as “three”? Yes. Good. We do that for other numerals as well, and depending on the context, you add things like “of” in between them. Where’d you get the word “quarter” when I just wrote down “4”?

    Thus it’s fourth of July, not “four July”.

    • @[email protected]
      17 months ago

      That’s not Grammer though? That has nothing to do with how the english language works and everything to do with a nebulous idea of understanding.

      • @Dasus
        07 months ago

        It is.


        In linguistics, a grammar is the set of rules for how a natural language is structured, as demonstrated by its speakers or writers. Grammar rules may concern the use of clauses, phrases, and words. The term may also refer to the study of such rules, a subject that includes phonology, morphology, and syntax, together with phonetics, semantics, and pragmatics.

        “everything to do with a nebulous idea of understanding.”

        What do you think language is?