A Louisiana businessman who sent more than 800 elderly residents from his seven nursing homes to ride out Hurricane Ida in a crowded, ill-equipped warehouse pleaded no contest to 15 criminal counts Monday and was sentenced to three years of probation.

Bob Dean Jr. also must pay more than $358,000 in restitution to the state health department and more than $1 million as a monetary penalty, but state Attorney General Liz Murrill expressed frustration in a news release that Dean didn’t get any prison time.

“We asked specifically that he be sentenced to a minimum of 5 years in prison, and not be given only probation. I respect our judicial system and that the judge has the ultimate discretion over the appropriate sentence, but I remain of the opinion that Dean should be serving prison time,” her statement said.

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    I’m a nurse and I signed a Do Not Resucitate order before 30 years old because it’s literally a fate worse than death.

    They’ll have 1 nurse for 32 or more patients and many if not most need to be turned side to side every two hours to prevent bedsores which are like the sores you get from new shoes but on your butt (and other places). During my nursing home clinical rotations I saw a bedsore you could fit your fist in and see bone at the bottom through the slough (that yellow gooey stuff that builds up in wounds).

    Many people need fed because they have weakness or paralysis in their arms but the CNAs have a dozen people to feed each shift and many of them need soft or liquid food so the CNA is just shoveling mush into barely conscious people so fast they choke and vomit then choke on the vomit then slowly die of pneumonia.

    They’re also rife with psych issues because that’s where people who have spent most of their life homeless with their originally mild mental illnesses steadily worsening over time wind up when they’re too sick to bounce between prison and the street anymore. And the nursing home staff are barely psych trained so when the patients become violent or even just verbally abusive they wind up responding in kind.

    Absolute shitholes that only exist to squeeze every drop out of an already scant medicaid check until the person finally manages to die.