I’ve read the community rules and now that i’m posting the link directly instead of linking from the cited text, i think this is article has it’s place in this community.

if that’s not the case, can you help me understand why

edit: I’ve posted it on sunday/monday when it wasn’t 2 days old and it got deleted. i’m trying to understand if it’s the contents or the format (linking from the cited text from the text body) that got it deleted. I thought comments on the deleted post was interesting

  • @Boddhisatva
    97 months ago

    Article is from Sunday, before Biden ended his candidacy and endorsed Harris. It’s basically a weak comedy piece that goes with some silly ideas. However, I feel compelled to address a couple points.

    The assassination attempt on Donald Trump last weekend is a tragedy; a tragedy for democracy, a tragedy for America and, above all, a tragedy for the whole world, because it means Donald Trump will be re-elected.

    Why do people keep thinking this? There’s no correlation between a candidate getting shot and getting elected.

    Last Saturday, a piece of Trump’s ear was shot away by a gunman.

    As far as I’ve heard he was nicked by the bullet and didn’t have anything “shot away.” He himself said, in a publicly released recording that, the bullet “Felt Like World’s Largest Mosquito.”