Nearly four in ten (39%) of US adults say they worry most or all of the time that their family’s income won’t be enough to meet expenses, according to a new CNN poll. That’s up from 28% who expressed those concerns in December 2021, and it’s similar to the numbers seen during the Great Recession (37%).

To cope, significant shares of Americans said they are adding side jobs, cutting down on driving and putting more expenses on credit cards.

  • @JoshuaFalken
    197 months ago

    Entirely anecdotal, but we’re setting up for a fruit and vegetable garden next season. Having a portion of either with each meal was how we were raised, but doing so from the grocery is pushing our bill up a good $100 a month.

    Overall this isn’t much of a surprise. Since the industrial revolution, the production value of one worker has grown exponentially. Salaries, not so much. A prime side effect of this disparity is the demise of the stay at home parent. The ratio of people this was a reality for vs the ones it wasn’t has entirely inverted. All this in a handful of generations.

    A home garden should be more of a hobby than a requirement.