• @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    461,657 troops voting for biden vs 16.2 million veterans voting for trump, that’s not even one percentage point; the military votes republicans

    • Makhno
      52 months ago

      Because our military targets poor, undereducated individuals, which by and large exist in red districts/states.

      Fucked up any way you look at it

      • @Maggoty
        52 months ago

        He’s not even right. There’s 18 million veterans and veterans went 55/45 Trump. That’s 9 million not 16, and if he can’t see why the active duty force voting against their commander in chief is significant then I have no help for him.

          • @Maggoty
            12 months ago

            Oh no, a 3 percent difference between pre election polling and exit polling!

            This is rock solid evidence of skullduggery! Woe is me.

              • @Maggoty
                2 months ago

                You claimed 16 million veterans voted for Trump when it was actually 9 million. I’m not good at math but I think that’s more than 1 percent.

                Edit to add, that includes assuming every veteran votes. Adding in the apathy rate it’s more like 4.5 million. So that’s what 75%?

                • @[email protected]
                  2 months ago

                  Edit to add, that includes assuming every veteran votes. Adding in the apathy rate it’s more like 4.5 million. So that’s what 75%?

                  these were exit polls in 2016 were much worse and disprove your point even further; keep digging that hole for yourself.

                  also; you should stop using 2 lemmy accounts to try to prove your disapproved point; accept the loss and move on.

                  • @Maggoty
                    12 months ago

                    I haven’t sourced anything from 2016, and the article you provided above is a 2020 pre-election poll.

                    Also, I don’t have 2 Lemmy accounts and I’m not the one digging a hole here. I’ve never made any claims about the 2016 election. In fact if you go read my comments they’re specifically about the military in 2020. You’re the one who wanted to bring cold war veterans into the conversation and you couldn’t even get the numbers right because you’re in such a rush to paint us as conservative.

    • @keegomatic
      32 months ago

      Not only does the article you replied to show that your numbers are completely wrong, but your comment isn’t even internally consistent… 462,657 is like 3% of 16.2 million, not less than 1%. What are you smoking?

        • @keegomatic
          22 months ago

          Again, your numbers are completely and totally wrong to begin with, proved by the very article you replied to—I’m just ALSO saying that even using your wildly incorrect numbers you’re still wrong in yet another way