• @return2ozmaOP
    11 month ago

    Mozz, not everything is a conspiracy theory hun.

    If there’s anyone that can pull Harris further left it’s her stepdaughter. She’s been raising money for Gaza and joining in Pro-Palestinian protests.

    • mozz
      -11 month ago

      Stepdaughter, Gaza, prosecutor

      Stepdaughter, Gaza, prosecutor

      I didn’t say the choice of topics was a conspiracy. I said it seems designed to hurt Harris’s chances in the election, to whatever extent can be achieved, under a transparent fig leaf of “pulling left” which doesn’t match the behavior.

      That can be accomplished by either a private citizen or a conspiracy, and in this case I have no way to know (and am not really weighing in on which I think it is).

      “Pulling the Democrats to the left” would be achieved by supporting lefty causes, attacking the most conservative wing of the Democrats, and being honest in criticism for their corporate friendly / conservative behavior. Whenever you start doing that let me know and I will reassess what I think I you are doing.